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Filter stuck


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Hi all, been doing some back space adjustments on both scopes and have a few filter / adaptors thoroughly stuck . What do you all use to 'unstuck' them ?

@mods, wasn't sure where to post this so feel free to move.

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2 minutes ago, knobby said:

Hi all, been doing some back space adjustments on both scopes and have a few filter / adaptors thoroughly stuck . What do you all use to 'unstuck' them ?

@mods, wasn't sure where to post this so feel free to move.

This has happened me a lot recently with adapters.  There are lots of tips on here..  For me personally, it was critical not to distort the shape of the circle, so using the palms of my hand flat against the adapters helped.  I also put them in very hot tap water (60oC) and this freed them up.  If there is glass in there there you might not want to do this.

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For a filter that’s become stuck to an eyepiece - press the eyepiece filter downwards - firmly onto a rubber mat or similar, then turn.  This method gives even pressure all round the rim of the filter without distorting it.

Works for me, Ed.

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Jar-openers, rubber bands or rubber gloves to get enough grip. Never had one *that* stuck (I've used a lot in photography) but I have had them be tight. Last resort, heat and penetrating oil but one part or the other could end up being sacrificed - choose the cheaper part! +1 for pressing on a rubber mat.

Edited by wulfrun
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For DSLR  lens filters I keep filter wrenches like these , in my kit, but they'd probably be too great a diameter, might be worth a search to see if smaller ones are made.

The shoe sole or rubber glove trick can work , as can a couple of rubber bands, one wound tightly round the circumference of each filter rim to give grip. It helps to have small hands, If yours are large, ask someone with dainty mitts to try !



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Recently I had two spacing adapters fully welded together.    Rubber wrenches just could not get enough purchase on the smaller one.... (5mm extension).    

A bit cheesed off I left them by the radiator in the kitchen.  With the crazy weather recently, the room has been hot /cold/ hot  repeatedly.   The other day when doing some painting I casually picked up the discarded  item to file under 'future project'  when amazingly they came apart with finger strength !!!

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