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From Luton to Colorado

Eryk Mozejko

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Here I am letting life get in the way of astronomy.  Now that itch to immerse myself in something more than the occasional snippet of astronomical titbits over the broad media or the glance up at a clear sky with the daunting realization that I'm forgetting what's up there. I've started to delve into the current world of Amateur Astronomy. 

Why the Title? I'm sure maybe a few here would see the name Luton and recall wasn't there a few Telescope manufactures there. Well yes and during the mid to late 80's I was at Astro Systems/Astro Promotions. Found myself in Norwich for 20 years and for the past 10 years Colorado USA (thanks to all my work colleagues being on one facebook stupid game or other, long story but that lead me to end up the other side of the pond. Did not see that coming)

Over the past year with some of the Podcasts I listen too, then finding a few interesting Youtubers that overcome some dismay at the standard of documentaries available via TV. Oh yes british TV is one of the things I really miss. My interest has been rekindled so some extent. Incidentally I've really enjoyed Dr Becky on You tube and more recently Astro Biscuit.

I've been looking into what observational equipment is available out there that I might have to occasionally throw into the back of the Subie (its a Colorado thing, tends to get a bit slippy round here this time of year) and find a nice spot to have a leisurely look around at the wonders above.  Oh wow has stuff moved on. I'm relearning what's out there and have a far idea of what sort of options I'ld like to eventually go for. Although in the mean time I'll start with finding something simpler while I'll see if I can work out observational astronomy into my non existent spare time. Used equipment seems to be a bit more here compaired to Blighty. In case anyone else has seen Astrobicuit YouTube episode of imaging one of the "Luna Blue Lakes"  Yes I did catch that 10" he bought for the absolute steal of 650 Pounds. The first proper scope I got my teeth into was an identical 8", so nice to use which let me concentrate of seeing stuff. 

I've found this lounge through trying to source a dual axis hand control for a Vixen SP mount as there's a nice deal on a collection of equipment including a mount with both MT-1 motors but no hand control. With which I would love to set to making a few mods which I never got the chance to try and would make a really good mount much better. I would be interested to catch up anyone I may have come in contact with during those days in the rabbit warren that was 24 Old Bedford Road in Luton or even the later site at Hartley Road. Or those always entertaining AAC Starparties.       

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Welcome to SGL! it seems to me you need a nice 8” dobsonian, something small enough to be easily portable yet large enough to entertain for a good long while.  Whatever your choice, have fun and enjoy the lounge, you’ll find all the info and inspiration you need here.

Edited by Sunshine
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Thank you for the Welcome

I was thinking ideally 8"+reflector. My fave is DSO"s although who doesn't enjoy a proper look at the planets. I did have a play around with 3colour composites of Jupiter back in the days of emulsion. I worked for Minolta for a while and remember vividly after we were messing with one of the first digital camera backs (which only gave images in green) a colleague saying "Well there's one thing we know for certain. There will never ever be a day when digital takes the place of emulsion film in photography!" I thought well I'm sure it wasn't that long ago where someone probably said "They'll never make a machine that can milk a cow". I would like to mess with imaging

I'll probably find a used newtonian on a GEM and later upgrade either the OTA or mount then the other. A few Moderate Eyepieces then slowly change them up. (A good comfortable eyepiece I believe is an often overlooked subject matter with telescopes that make a huge difference to the observers enjoyment) I kicking myself for not asking to have my dialted pupil size measured during my recent eye exam to calculate the right match of eyepiece as annoyingly age creeps up on aspects of what I could see.   Gradually trade my way on the mount and OTA up to what would satisfy me. I do like Equitorials having got used to them. Otherwise A nice Dob would have been my first choice. Ive seen what you could get Dob-wise for a moderate outlay and it is a good and temping option. 

Currently I'm mulling over something available locally which includes a Vixen SP mount because after I'm done with a few mods I'ld probably keep it regardless if I continue to get something else mount wise in future. Although I have just missed out on a couple of very nice packages. I'll have to be more vidilant.

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Welcome to SGL. Hope you enjoy your time here.

We arrived in the area shortly after you left. I think you would find Luton 'somewhat' changed now from when you were here (not for the better). We tend to avoid it, despite officially living in it. Certainly totally pants for astronomy near your old workplace, and pretty bad on the outskirts here too now with the number of warehouses lit up like christmas trees 24/7. Skyglow like you wouldn't believe.


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Thank you for the welcome everyone. 

Firstly Ive got to say to David, have you still got it? I'm kicking myself for not getting round to setting myself up with my own 8 or 10" on the SP mount. although I had ideas of stripping the mount down. Cutting off some of the latitude section from the RA body and replacing the Vixen section that sits on the tripod with something more akin to the twin shark fin set up either side of the RA body that Rob and Peter designed for the PM mounts. Also use that opportunity to change the paint finish of the mount and tube. Even so that's an ideal set up I would love to use right now. The 8" was such a nice balance between performance and ease of use with practicality. the slip ring/camera piggyback platform makes a nice difference. 85? one subtlety in that mount tells me I tuned that mount before you got it so I hope it was ok.

To Bedfordshire David and Neil H. My Mum still lives in Stopsley. its been 5 years since I've been back although planning to possibly come over some time this year. I noticed something disapearing and changing each time I came down from Norwich . Now being 5000 miles away..... My brother works at what's left of Vauxhall. And I see the stop start redevelopment of Power Court where of course Jim Hysom used to be with A+E optics     

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