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Jupiter and Saturn first light ASI290MC


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After more than 14 years in the hobby, and after a two year hiatus, this is the first time I manage to get decent images of the gas giants. I think it was back in 2008 when I was trying to force an unmodified Toucam Pro in creating anything close to satisfactory - I don't know what others have achieved with such meagre equipment, but my verdict has been that these webcams, along with all the hype about them, were just inadequate, and I lost many nights trying for the impossible. Anyway, technology has advanced, and it has done it in an impressive way. I cannot stress how absolutely fantastic the ASI camera is. I almost did not read the instructions, yet I managed to surpass all my previous webcam efforts by a huge margin. I can't wait for tonight to get my hand on Mars. 

The images were taken with a 6 inch f/5 GSO Newtonian and a barlow lens x2,5, sitting on top of my old, rusty, but still in (almost) proper working order CG5. The quality of the videos was such, that I rescaled some of the stacks, and worked from there, as if I had a x5 barlow lens. Programs used: Sharpcap, Autostakkert, IRIS, Astroart.







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22 hours ago, CraigT82 said:

Very nice work, especially with a 6" f5. The green colour cast (you get it with all colour cams) should be easily corrected, I find the rgb balance function in registax to do the best job at that 

I hadn't noticed the green colour! I used all the automatic Colour Balance functions of IRIS and Astroart, and I did not pay attention. I' ll fix it in ImagesPlus; thanks.

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Lovely set of images, some really nice details visible there.

I have quite fond memories of spending many nights trying to get a decent image out of the Toucam Pro, then the SPC900n. But you are absolutely correct the new technology is amazing and I would hate to go back.

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