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ISS moon transit tonight UK

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UK Heads up. Tonight we have the moon, jupiter and saturn lined up beautifully and the ISS will pass directly across the face of the moon at 22:36:20.   Times may vary depending upon your location but not by a lot.  Check Stellarium.  Clear skies, enjoy.


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From memory the ground track where the ISS appears to cross the disk is not particularly wide.  Anyone not within it will see the ISS pass above or below the Moon.  I know there's a website that shows the ground track, but I can't recall which one at the moment.


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It did. And it’s missing from my pictures. I had my camera exposure correct for the Moon thinking that’ll be OK fir the ISS. It wasn’t. 
I can’t see any sign of the DSS in any of the pictures. I’m guessing you have to have the Moon over exposed to pick up the space station in a “fly by”. 

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Went right across the disk here but darn hard to capture in an image. I watched it pass across the face of the moon through the viewfinder of the DSLR connected to my 1250mm FL mak-cassegrain. It shot across in just a second - fast moving tiny bright patch of light. I think two of my frames caught it as a bright feature but my camera only shoots at 6 FPS max and my reactions are probably not great :rolleyes2:

If I have caught anything worth posting I'll stick it up but I'm no imager. It was fun trying though and I did see it at least :icon_biggrin:

Stellarium was spot on with it's prediction of the ISS lunar transit tonight as well.



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Could well be transit-finder, so thank you to those who linked to it.  Looks like tonight's was along a path from (roughly) Aberystwyth to Bournemouth and only about 30km wide.


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Don't know if this will upload and display but it's an animated GIF of the only 2 frames that I took which show the ISS. I've arrowed the ISS in red in both frames:


As you can see the moon was just starting to pass behind some trees foliage !

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John - Excellent!  - Thanks for posting. I've been out since 23:00. Would have gone out earlier if I had known this was going to happen. Anyway thanks to your image I have got to see the event. ISS relative size smaller than I would have envisaged. I find scale is always a tricky thing when locating, viewing and imaging celestial objects. Nice night here on the East Coast a pair of good meteors (probably a Delta Aquarid and a Perseid) and all the usual summer suspects on display. Hope you have a good night. Now off to bed.

George in Lowestoft.

Edited by Hawksmoor
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1 hour ago, John said:

Don't know if this will upload and display but it's an animated GIF of the only 2 frames that I took which show the ISS. I've arrowed the ISS in red in both frames:


As you can see the moon was just starting to pass behind some trees foliage !

Nicely done, John. It’s definitely there in those images. It was below the Moon here. I’d really love to see an ISS transit of the Moon or Sun. 

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3 hours ago, Ouroboros said:

@John Well done! I’m a bit puzzled why the ISS doesn’t appear as a silhouette in your pictures. There’s probably a really obvious reason. 

I was a bit surprised myself but I assume that it was highly illuminated by the Sun at that point in it's path across the sky ?


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I believe the track within which the ISS would be seen to pass across the moon is just 30 miles wide. I must have been pretty much bang in the centre of it luckily.


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