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Need help with noise on DSLR photography

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Hello everybody, I am wondering if there is anyway to help reduce this horrible noise when trying to take Milky Way images, this image is a 30 second exposure iso 1600 with an astromodified Canon 450d and a Rokinon 14mm lense. Noise has been a constant issue with this camera and I want to see if there is anyway to fix it before I buy a new camera. 


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I went from crop sensor to full frame in order to reduce noise at higher ISO's in my MW shots.

I used to use the same samyang (rokinon) 14mm lens with my 7d but anything above 1600 ISO gets noisy, I got a 6D and can shoot happily to 5000 ISO, which gets you a lot more detail too. Now have a 5D mk4 and again high ISO performance is way better than my 7D mk2 crop sensor.

If full frame isn’t an option then you could try stacking images, I’ve done this with landscape MW photos before and it works.


Edited by Spaced Out
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I'm not sure the 450d has live view.

It is where you can see what the camera is seeing on the rear lcd screen, called live view. If a camera has this facility it can make the camera hot and therefore noisy.

Sequator is great for stacking multiple images where there is foreground.

Edited by happy-kat
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The 450d works pretty well at 800 ISO... 1600 is pushing it a bit. Yes the 450d does have liveview, but the amp is turned off during long exposures unlike the earlier models, so you should not see issues from having liveview on (best not to though, as it does help eat the battery.

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I suggest you go into the Custom Functions menu and turn on "Long Exposure Noise Reduction". 

After you have taken your 30 second exposure, the "Light", the camera will automatically take another 30 second exposure, but with the shutter closed. 

This black "Dark" contains the same noise as on your first exposure. 

The camera automatically subtracts the Dark from the Light, which removes most if not all the noise, and saves this to the memory card. 

Don't forget to switch this off for normal daytime shots!

If you want to get the best from your camera, acquaint yourself with at least it's most basic features such as Live View, by reading the Instruction Manual.:-)

A hard copy comes with the camera, there's a pdf on the CDs that come with the camera, or you can download a pdf from Canon USA. 


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Use a star tracker, lower the ISO and shoot for longer. a 2 minute sub with a lower ISO value would look better as you're increasing the Signal to Noise Ratio.

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Remember that if you are dominated by read noise, which this shot probably is, then lower ISO on a 450D is bad news - it just makes the signal-to-noise worse. The only real answer is to take multiple shots and stack them. If you do use a tracker then I would take a separate static shot for the foreground stuff (with the same total exposure as your tracked shots) and combine the two in software.


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The 450 is the only DSLR we've found where dark frames don't introduce more noise. You need to shoot at ISO 400, take several shots then stack them. You also need to use a dark optimisation algorithm whilst pre-processing. Siril does it well and makes a noisy camera into something acceptable.


Edited by alacant
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  • 3 months later...
On 06/05/2020 at 11:02, richard ashbee said:

You could also use Topaz Denoise which is great at retaing detail but gets rid of noise

I'll second that - took the liberty of running the original image through Topaz DeNoise. Think it does a remarkable job of cleaning the noise without removing detail.  (Realize this is a fairly old thread that's been revived, but may still be useful to OP and others)

IMG_3355.jpg.5b8a65ca2b110d117c0078d439a9d616-denoise (1).jpg

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