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NEW StellaMira Refractor Telescopes


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On 11/02/2020 at 16:14, FLO said:

Probably. We have a Lakeside Motor Focuser fitted to ours but I cannot think of any reason why the Sesto Senso V2 should not fit. We will check... 

I've just put one onto a 104mm StellaMira and it fits fine with no extra adaptors needed. Having taken it all apart again I am regretting not taking a picture!



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On 31/01/2020 at 14:15, FLO said:

Today is a good day 🙂 

After years of watching the market, months of discussion, planning, and preparation, we have today launched our own brand of refractor telescopes!  'StellaMira'. 

Rather than follow the crowd, for these all-important first telescopes we have chosen two triplets and a doublet from LongPerng in Taiwan. Taiwanese-made telescopes cost a little more than most similarly specified Chinese-made models but we are launching a new brand so wanted something special. 

The larger of the two StellaMira triplets, the StellaMira 104mm ED2 Triplet f/6.25 APO, was displayed at the International Astronomy Show last Nov. It is also the telescope we have chosen for our IKI Observatory at the Pixel Skies facility in Castilléjar, Spain. 



The smaller StellaMira 85mm ED2 Triplet f/6.6 APO is also now in stock and available to buy. 



Both triplet telescopes feature not one but 'two' ED glass elements. One FPL53 and the other FPL51. The third element is pretty impressive too, made from Lanthanum glass. The resulting colour correction is superb! 

The third telescope is a classic 80mm f10 Doublet. The StellaMira 80mm ED f/10. It also features an FPL53 ED element and a Lanthanum glass element which, together with the long focal-ratio, delivers truly outstanding performance for the visual astronomer. 



All three telescopes are fitted with sturdy LongPerng Rack & Pinion 'hybrid drive' dual speed focusers with 1:10 fine focusing. 

LongPerng's history making telescopes is impressive but because StellaMira is a FLO brand we are taking extra care to ensure every telescope performs to its full potential. With this in mind every single one, including the ED doublets, are being Es Reid tested here in the UK before dispatch. Indeed I want to say a sincere public THANK-YOU to Es for his help in selecting and testing the telescopes. His input and support at various stages of the project has been invaluable 🤗 


Hi Steve,

I've decided I wish to sell my telescope collection to fund a Stellamira 80mm F10. I have one question for you. Is the lens cell collimatable? I'm concerned if I take it on an aeroplane or in my motorcycle sidecar, that it might receive a bad bump which sends it out of collimation. 


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On 08/03/2020 at 17:08, Dave1 said:

I've decided I wish to sell my telescope collection to fund a Stellamira 80mm F10. I have one question for you. Is the lens cell collimatable?

It is not user collimateable. Es is currently checking every telescope but that is more for our own peace of mind (StellaMira is our brand so we are being extra careful). Long Perng (the manufacturer) ED doublet cells are practically bomb-proof so I don't think you need be concerned 🙂  



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22 hours ago, Second Time Around said:

What's the back focus on these please, Steve -  enough for a binoviewer plus filter wheel?

With binoviewers it is normally lack of in-focus that can make it difficult to achieve focus.

In truth I don't know but if you email us details of your binoviewer / filter-wheel / diagonal we will do our best to answer your question. 


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On 26/02/2020 at 13:42, James said:

I've just put one onto a 104mm StellaMira and it fits fine with no extra adaptors needed. Having taken it all apart again I am regretting not taking a picture!




I've just bought an SM ED104 and am wanting to put my Sesto Senso on the focuser. The small 1/10 knob comes off without problems using an Allen key but I can't figure out how to remove the large 1/1 knob, which also has to be removed to gain access to the shaft.  Can James or anyone who has done this shed light on the process, please.



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40 minutes ago, StevieO said:


I've just bought an SM ED104 and am wanting to put my Sesto Senso on the focuser. The small 1/10 knob comes off without problems using an Allen key but I can't figure out how to remove the large 1/1 knob, which also has to be removed to gain access to the shaft.  Can James or anyone who has done this shed light on the process, please.



If it was me I would email them directly if you want a fast responce, I am sure they will see this but it might take longer.



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  • 5 months later...
On 02/02/2020 at 21:22, johninderby said:

I had to order a scope just to get one of the handles. 🤣🤣🤣


On 02/02/2020 at 21:17, JamesF said:

I think it's sounding like you should offer the handles as a separate item as well, Steve.  Perhaps in a range of colours to match other manufacturer's colour schemes :D

The handle is now available separately in red or black anodising 😊 

StellaMira Telescope Handle




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26 minutes ago, johninderby said:

Only one. new scope arriving. 😁

Wonder how long before FLO sells out. 🤔

Aww, I've already got one of these and as the StellaLyra already had a lovely new handle from @johninderby, I'm not sure what I could put one of these on... really lovely handles though 👍

Perhaps I could mount a black one on each of my Telrads 🤔🤣

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