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Anyone heard from RayD recently?


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Whilst browsing posts on power supplies I came across some postings of his and it occurred to me that I've not seen him posting for a while, and indeed it appears he hasn't even visited for a couple of months.


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It's a bit worrying when members drop off the forum, especially those who's names are very familiar, spanning years in many cases.  Of course we also get some who return here after a long spell of absence.  We hope those who are conspicuous by their absence have sound reasons for being so, and hopefully nothing too sinister is a reason. SGL's popularity continues to increase, and with it new members too. Long may it do so.


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48 minutes ago, Gina said:

I've wondered how I could arrange for members to be informed if anything happened to me.

I shall be over to check on you if you stop posting for more than a few days, Gina :D


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8 minutes ago, Davey-T said:

Yes Ray's fine, just been a bit overwhelmed with work and stuff and now on a well deserved break.


That's good news.  Well, not about being overwhelmed with work and stuff, but when someone disappears for some time unannounced you do get to wondering if they've met an eighteen year old gold-digger and run off to the Caribbean.  Or is that his well-deserved break? :)


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1 hour ago, Gina said:

I've wondered how I could arrange for members to be informed if anything happened to me.

A young lady such as yourself still has many years left.

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I have wondered myself about people who have been regulars, then you are suddenly aware they have not visited for ages. I guess astronomy is a new passion for a short time for some people, rather than a "lifetime" interest for others, or just that life changes curtail that interest .

I was keen astronomer during my childhood, right up to discovering pubs and romance and raising a family. 

I have been on here 10 years this December it has gone so quick! 

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I dropped off a non-astro forum in February. A community I'd been a member of for 12 or more years. It wasn't really a conscious decision. Work and fostering fills my time and I just got out of the habit of logging in. Maybe I'll look in some time in the future but probably won't now. 

There are some periods when I don't get to SGL for a while but it's a nice place to come and relax, thanks to the fine moderation of the group :)

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On 03/06/2019 at 19:37, JamesF said:

when someone disappears for some time unannounced you do get to wondering if they've met an eighteen year old gold-digger and run off to the Caribbean

If I ever disappear, I think you can probably discount that option ... :sad:

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3 hours ago, Demonperformer said:

If I ever disappear, I think you can probably discount that option ... :sad:

Well, there's always someone who prefers the secret love-nest in Grantham...


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