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By the way, was that the TV 40mm wide field I saw on ABS that you have bought?

Looked at the ad, wondered, looked again and wondered. And then just wandered.

yep it was the very same. I did what you did but then just went for it. Calv, me too mate. good weather never seems to coincide with availability currently!

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I just got hold of a nice TV wideview 40mm so decided to cut new foam and sort my case out!

Here's the result.


...top right is the 40mm TV Wideview.

That one used to be in my case. They seem to be quite popular at the moment :cool2:

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I've found TV plossls very good all round eyepieces with high transmission levels. I've read that their "tone" particularly suits some objects such as Jupiter although I've never been particularly aware of this "tone" personally. They do seem to be slightly "warmer" than some eyepieces such as Baader GO's and Pentax XW's so that must be it.

Of course it raises the spectre of the really keen eyepiece collector having not only a wide set and a low glass, narrower set but also a Jupiter set, Mars set, Saturn set, Lunar set etc, etc. I see that solar sets are creeping in as well - where will it all end ? :rolleyes2:  :smiley:

My solar set is just a matter of practicality. First of all, I like to leave the solar set in the case of the LS35, so I can simply grab it and go. I also sometimes leave the solar scope at work, complete with EPs, if I have something bulky to take to work the next day. If it is clear at night I might miss out on certain EPs. Second, both solar set-ups (APM 80mm with 1.25" Lunt wedge, and LS35) only allow the use of 1.25" EPs, so all EPs beyond 12mm in my old set were unusable. Hence the acquisition of some 1.25" EPs in that range (14mm Radian, 20mm MaxVision). These have now been sold off, and the solar set is a singleton, consisting of the WO 22.5-7.5mm zoom.

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I'll be interested to hear about the TV Wide Fields from the folks who have got them. The 15mm, 19mm and 24mm TV WF's were my first foray into wide field eyepieces and worked very nicely at F/10 like most eyepiece do. The don't compete with Panoptics in faster scopes though. About the same as Hyperions perhaps ?

And John, surely not a 'spectre' 'creeping in' ...?

I've been just as guilty on this having had low glass sets, ultra-wide sets and currently a set just for one scope - my 6" F/12 refractor :rolleyes2:

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I have compared the 31T5 "Panzerfaust" with both the TMB Paragon 40mm (very similar to the 40mm TV) and he Vixen LVW42. At F/10 the LVW and Paragon offer a bit more FOV, but I must say I do not use them often. Just occasionally, the framing is a bit better, and the larger exit pupil can be useful. In my F/6 scope, the 31T5 has a clear edge, and the 40mm produced somewhat washed out views, unless the sky was perfectly dark. I haven't used the 42mm in the APM 80mm F/6 yet, might check it out from a dark site in France coming summer.

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They weren't on offer long before you snapped those up!

Green & black always looks nice.

I had been planning to buy one new one a month to complete the set and these were just too hard to resist, especially as I noticed there were a few watchers. Not sure I will be so lucky with the longer focal lengths, which seem to be like hen's teeth second hand.

Once these arrive I will be selling an 11mm as I now have two :rolleyes:

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Here's my TV 40mm Wide Field (AKA hand grenade) I bought off Derek to fund his TV habit above!

Just for fun I photographed it with a grenade.


The Grenade is the one on the right.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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Trouble is, I've no idea how big a hand grenade is, never having seen one - it could be just a couple of cm long.

Can't we just stick to the traditional tin of baked beans for scale ?  :smiley:

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Here's my TV 40mm Wide Field (AKA hand grenade) I bought off Derek to fund his TV habit above!

Just for fun I photographed it with a grenade.


The Grenade is the one on the right.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

i miss her dearly. Not sure I will ever have another so special, although I have got my eye on a shapely little 55mm Plossl that could fill the void [emoji7]
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