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Green Laser Pointers!!


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Just heard that a local amateur astronomer here in Perth, W.Aus, had a visit from the Police, regarding the use of a green laser pointer.

It was attached to his 10" LX, and the presence of the beam pointing skywards, was reported to the police, who despatched 'Air One', I assume a helicopter, to track down the source.

This they quickly did, and a police car was sent to his address. He was actually still using the scope when they arrived, so he was able to show them how it was being used.

They accepted that he wasn't deliberately pointing it at aircraft, but warned him that if an aircraft flew into the beam, then he would be liable to prosecution, with a very stiff penalty attached.


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I once had Exeter's police helicopter hovering over the garden for the same reason :oops:

I fixed a smile, waved (they were very close!) and pointed to the telescope.

They flew off after a while. I now no longer use the laser at home (Exeter has an airport!)

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Couldn't use a green laser at my home site, we're right under the flightpath of many, many cloud seeders, err, I mean planes that are either going to gatwick, heathrow and possibly shoreham :undecided: I see so many go overhead it's a wonder I get any decent images at all.

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Online trading giants Amazon & eBay have both stated that they are to stop selling green laser pointers. This has come becasue of a spell of people (presumably idiots, chavs (charvers if your from the north :undecided:) and other non-brainers) shining them at incoming planes to national airports.

Why is it that because of a few, the rest of us have to suffer! eBay is practically the only place where you can get a glp for under £10.

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Its the same with guns EA2007, the idiot few ensure the rest of us are penalised for perfectly reasonable actions for responsible people.

I say use the guns on the idiots, and solve both problems at once......... or does that make ME an idiot too? hmmm ???

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There was an item on GMtv the other morning about the dangers of lasers and they showed both the red and green pointers. They interviewed a pilot off a police helicopter who indicated that people could be prosecuted for inappropraite use!!

I find it useful to place my green laser on the Nexstar 5 GoTo and then use another telescope to view the same field of view.

Perhaps in time we will be required to register the laser for astronomical use - it would be a pity for lose the facility for the inappropraite use of others.


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this is the problem, green lasers are such useful devices, i find mine invaluable for use with kids and for showing others the stars, but they are so lethal and dangerous in the wrong hands

I wonder how long before the press cottons on and has them banned

They are right amazon etc should stop selling them.

Ordinary joe bloggs should not be told where they can get them from.

I would be a tad blundered without mine!

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Planes tend to have helpful lights on them to stop you hitting them by accident, the low ones even make a nice noise to rouse you from your observing....Unless you are very unlucky or malicious you are unlikely to have trouble. I live very close to a major airport and just make sure I time my laser finding to the gaps between the planes. I only ever need a few half second bursts to get my finderscope locked on to allow me to continue my finding by starhopping.



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Online trading giants Amazon & eBay have both stated that they are to stop selling green laser pointers.

Excellent! I have been concerned that idiots with over-powered lasers will make it impossible for those of us with a legitimate use (not lighting candles, popping balloons or scaring cats!) to continue using them.

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Does legitimate use include using it as a lead? My puppy will follow the laser dot wherever it goes, and as he is totally mental its pretty useful to have one thing that will get his attention 100% and not lose it. Until he learns to fly its pointed firmly at the ground though, not the sky!

The main reason for use I find is to point out to guests and children where in the sky your telescope is pointing. As I always have a camera on the end, they say, "But there's nothing there!", then you show them the pictures :undecided:

Guns EA2007, I dont mean on ebay etc, rather the legislation in this country whereby legitimate owners are severely restricted by the actions of the criminals. I'm still not certain how some of the Olympics are going to be carried out, ie, the pistol shooting, as you cant have or use a pistol in this country (with certain highly legislated exceptions). Its the principle thats important, where the idiot few ruin it for the responsible.

Saying that, I also feel a lot of the hype is overboard and sensationalist. They'll be trying to ban the sun next under health and safety rules. Mind you, if we get many more summers like we just had, they wont need to :)


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As i understand it unless you look at the laser point and choice to keep looking then 5mw lasers at shortish range are not that dangerous. your eye's blink reflex is fast enough to stop damage.

there was a pilot who was 'blinded' by idoits recently, but they had a big powerfull glp.

the pilot was fine but the co pilot had to land the plane.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a 5mw GLP and, during our wonderful (?) summer, have mostly used it to see how much dust floating around my rooms!!

As for aircraft, I think we need to look at some facts.

If you've ever sat at the front end of one of these things you soon realise that the 'window' is for looking UP out of. The only thing with enough elevation to blind a pilot is the Sun. Having said that, if the plane was on finals (pointing the nose to where the controlled crash is to take place) and you were pointing a GLP at a low angle, you could get the beam through the little slit.

Helicopters are a whole new ball game.

They like to have lots of glass everywhere, including under the pilots seat, for visibility. If you've ever flown one of these things you'll know that 'Straight & Level Flight' was thrown into the training manual for a laugh. So you could, conceivably, hit the pilot. Helicopters do pose a problem with lasers. But how many of them fly at night?

Not many!

Mostly it will be the police and you sure as hell know when they're around (noise abatement is not part of the MD900 design) so avoidance is easy.

If you live on, or near, a flightpath that's not helpful. But I suspect that most of us don't.

Thoughtful and intelligent use of these handy devices should win the day...............

.....But we all know it won't.

Just my 2 bobs worth.

Take care,


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Does legitimate use include using it as a lead? My puppy will follow the laser dot wherever it goes, and as he is totally mental its pretty useful to have one thing that will get his attention 100% and not lose it. Until he learns to fly its pointed firmly at the ground though, not the sky!

The main reason for use I find is to point out to guests and children where in the sky your telescope is pointing. As I always have a camera on the end, they say, "But there's nothing there!", then you show them the pictures :)

Guns EA2007, I dont mean on ebay etc, rather the legislation in this country whereby legitimate owners are severely restricted by the actions of the criminals. I'm still not certain how some of the Olympics are going to be carried out, ie, the pistol shooting, as you cant have or use a pistol in this country (with certain highly legislated exceptions). Its the principle thats important, where the idiot few ruin it for the responsible.

Saying that, I also feel a lot of the hype is overboard and sensationalist. They'll be trying to ban the sun next under health and safety rules. Mind you, if we get many more summers like we just had, they wont need to :D


Guns! It would seem that now days in the UK, only criminals are allowed the possession of handguns, and the legitimate sportsman :nono:



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lasers are exceptionally dangerous...even a class II laser will cause a cartoon man from the 60's to blink in a stupid way!

just watched a laser safety video...

the glp are class IIIa?...but may now be in the new class of IIIr, which do pose a significant danger.

Even during approach it might be quite difficult to get the beam in the flightdeck...but the reflections of the surfaces can cause just as much damage...especially a 50mW beast. And it usually helps when pilots can see!

and dont even think about using a Class IV IR lasers, its just dangerous...!!! :-)

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I'm still not certain how some of the Olympics are going to be carried out, ie, the pistol shooting, as you cant have or use a pistol in this country (with certain highly legislated exceptions).

They are planning on repealing the legislation for the duration of the shooting events, but only for registered olympian's competing..

Personally I think the gun legislation was yet another example of knee jerk reactions and it hasnt cut gun crime .. I also feel its very sad when our own athletes have to train abroad in order to represent their country.

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I read somewhere that the big scopes on Hawaii have to turn off their lazer correctors if planes are due and also have to have plane spotters just in case one approaches the line of one of their big lazers. It seems planes have priority over everything.

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I saw the programme 'Skycops' the other week and they were flying over a large firework display somewhere in the UK.

The helicopter had a cameraman onboard from the TV programme and some divo on the ground was pointing a green laser pointer at the helicopter.

I was surprised by just how bad it was within the cockpit when the lazer got in. The inside took on a very green tinge and the pilot was having trouble.

They did their best to nick the block but it was not possible due to the crowds.

Just thought I woudl share this as I had always wondered what the problem really was - now I know.

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"divo", not heard that one in ages ha ha.

I guess the issue with helicoters is that the interior is pretty much made up of reflective shiny materials such as plastic, metal and glass. As we all know lasers in the dark shined on reflective objects give off a brilliant glow.

If you want to try it for yourselves (NOT ON A HELICOPTER!!), shine a laser pointer on a car number plate, you'll soon see how bright it can be, combining that with the confines of a helicopter cockpit won't be a good situation.

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