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Green Laser Pointers!!


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Thanks for the reply mark...

seriously cool pics from the flightdeck.

I am pretty anxious about the assessment...but hopefully they will take me on

Must admit...I like boeing...my friend seems to be an airbus fanatic (he starts oxford in jan).

The only thing better than a week in spain, is a week in spain when i got to talk to the F/O for like 20mins, after we landed in Murcia.

It was the coolest thing ever...some good pilot banter.

Such as...

Me: 'I see you have a TV screen in the flight deck'

Capt: 'Yes, we normally watch [removed word]'


Me, adressing F/O: 'How long have you been flying'

Capt: 'It's his first flight, he was in the front row and wearing a white shirt'

It was a 737-300.

the capt actually got out his seat, and let me sit in in the left hand seat. i even adjusted the height, when I asked about visibility over the nose, especially for finals.

Through Flight sim (a bit lame, but good for IFR procedures) i am more familiar with the layout of the 737NG, but i have to admit, the 737-300 looked really nice. Infact, when I asked the F/O about this he said he preferred the 300 as well.

It really was one of those career confirming moments...if i ever had any doubts, then after sitting in the left hand seat of an airliner, they vanished instantly.

perhaps from the sound of my voice, you think this occurred a while ago...but no, it was aug 08. i just get that excited.

Thanks for the reply, really cool to hear from a real world pilot and Captain.

Best Wishes, and happy flying


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