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Amazing new GRS pictures from Juno


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Big Jove remains an Enigma, and that giant perpetual storm is indeed a puzzler.
The process of unravelling what generates such violent energy is underway, and
the Juno mission is probably the precursor to solving this strange phenomena.
Superb Imagery, and hopefully more to come.
A great Link Stu. :icon_salut:

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Probably churlish to always wish for a CLOSER view! lol
But I do wonder if these are "towering thunder clouds"
or someone stirring a bowl of Campbell's Condensed? :p


Actually... Below the SPOT one gets a feeling of more
familiar earth-like (white) storm clouds. Now wondering 
what the final close-up of Cassini-Saturn will be like... ;)

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6 minutes ago, Macavity said:

Probably churlish to always wish for a CLOSER view

Aren't they looking below the surface in other frequencies? That constitutes a fairly close look I reckon! :) 

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