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Don't be tempted by this .....

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I don't normally do this but this scope being advertised on e.bay has so much about it TO AVOID that I thought I'd post a link as a warning:


There are so many things wrong with this £290 scope that I can't list them all. I think it's summed up by the label on the scope which, if you zoom into the photo shows this :rolleyes2:



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What a crock

Good catch, John. Posting this sort of post should  not only be tolerated by the 'Powers-That Be' - but encouraged. Perhaps craft a new mini-forum for this sort of rip-off. As well as to report such to whoever is allowing it to run. E-Bay UK in this instance.



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Well the first thing that jumps out from the label in the linked picture is that it claims to be a "Newton Refractor Telescope". A refractor uses a glass objective lens and Newtonian scope uses a primary and secondary mirror. So it's obviously a contradiction in terms, as bad as referring to a car as a motor scooter. A clear sign the seller has no idea what they're talking about. :)

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No focal length stated - like not knowing the cc's or bhp of a car. It does say it's f-4 which means it's fl=800mm. I have grave doubts about the effectiveness of the included plossl eyepieces - I think the views if any will be naff - even on a good quality scope that fast.

Some spec on the coatings would be useful and it just has a very tacky description that concentrates on telling the purchaser how wonderful it is with no real guts in the wording. It's a cheap box shifter looking for instant profit for sure. :)

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It just plain stinks - start to finish. The copy serves to tell me this guy should stick with writing ad-copy like he likely did before. You know the one: BIG 9995X POWER!! SEE CRATER ON JUPYTER!! <insert picture of M31 here> SEE ET'S HOUSE!! FOOTPRINT ON MOON!! ONLY ONE LEFT - CALL NOW!!

And other such gems!


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"Newton Refractor Telescope"

At last, an end to the arguement between Reflector or Refractor, can have both :icon_biggrin::icon_biggrin:. Peace and contentment will reign in the field of astronomy :hello2::hello2:.

Gone up to £311.39 now :eek:.

200mm f/4, notice I cannot see the word "parabolic", sure that "ultra stable" tripod is bending under the strain.

Have to say, both  a chuckle and a scare, someone is likely to have bought one, any guesses where they could come to get solutions to problems they encounter ???

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A little digging reveals that this seller is based in Israel and seems to deal in almost every category on Ebay. Here is a link to his telescope products, most of which are mainstream brands but all at the lower end of the food chain: http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/Telescopes/74927/m.html?item=192072882127&rmvSB=true&hash=item2cb86f97cf%3Ag%3AkyAAAOSw-0xYcY8d&clk_rvr_id=1150476443979&_ssn=fr.blec&_sac=1

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Just add a polar scope and you can have accurate astrophotography via your SLR.  If I had known all along it was that simple I wouldn't have stuck with visual only ! 

Amazing how easy it is these days to make every photon count. 

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Apart from the manfacturers label, the pitfalls with the scope include:

- What are likely to be 200mm F/4 optics. Very hard to produce good quality mass produced optics of this focal ratio.

- No mention of a parabolised primary mirror (my rule of thumb is, if it's not mentioned then assume that it does not have it, when it comes to cheaper scopes)

- A low capacity equatorial mount with a large, heavy tube on it.

- Aluminium tripod which will make the undersized mount even more inadequate

- A rather puny finder scope for a scope of this aperture

- The general tone of the advertisment which is also incomplete in places

A few years ago a US amateur astronomer bought one of these (under different branding) and posted a review of it highlighting that it was practically unseable except at the lowest magnifications. I can't find that review just now but if I come across it, I'll post a link.


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