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Dramatic Animation of Prom Collapsing


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I took this animation of a prom on Monday the 12th. I was quite lucky as this prom was striking looking. This animation is divided into two parts separated by 30 minutes between them. The first part takes place in 89 minutes (178 frames), and the second part in 37 minutes (74 frames). Why the break? Silly me. I went looking for ARs (old habits are hard to shed), but there were none worth imaging, so I went back to the prom. Fortunately, the first part caught most of the collapse of this prom. I also love the twirling dervish in the second part. These animations may take a few seconds to load.

Note that aligning of the separate frames was accomplished with imppg. I take my hat off to its creator. Bravo on a wonderful program, which handled the changing face of this prom quite easily despite the multitude of frames.



Part 1:



Part 2:


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Thanks everyone for the lovely encouragement!

GreatAttractor, excellent suggestion. I already have the link for the GONG network, but should certainly use it more than I do. Thanks for the reminder!

Stu, I frankly don't know how tall these animations reach. A little earth globe superimposed will actually be a striking comparison. One of these days i shall do the calculations and get the correct scale.


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