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Pickering's Triangle - Additional 3 hours 20 mins


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8 minutes ago, Davey-T said:

Definitely excelled yourself there Steve, in capture and processing, looking forward to the mosaic :evil4:


Very amusing Dave.   I was very pleased with the results from the Astrodon filters.  I had been very sceptical about these, and I still consider the price to be ridiculous.  But what came out of the camera was really great and, other than a stretch, I didn't really have an awful lot to do.  Less for me to do, means less for me to screw up..... 

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19 hours ago, swag72 said:

Looking good Steve - Glad that you are now back up to speed and that you are enjoying the Astrodons :)


I have neither the expertise nor the technical ability to write a "review" of these filters.  It was not that long ago that I would have said that there was "no way" I would spend the money required to get hold of them.  I asked my son how much he thought the filter was worth, and he thought that around £10 for a "piece of glass" would be pushing it.

I know that people like @ollypenrice and you are great fans of them, but I thought that they would provide only that "little bit extra" for those folks who, like you guys, are at the very top of the imaging game.  I started to waver when I saw some of Olly's subs at Les Granges (but those were at Les Granges, if you know what I mean).  Then I saw some of the great @Barry-Wilson's subs when we did our SADR project - https://stargazerslounge.com/topic/274286-four-panel-sadr-mosaic-part-two-the-other-hargb-image/#comment-3004790.  I now realise that these filters make a huge difference to beginners like me, since they make the processing so much easier.  @MrsGnomus and I gasped when we saw the first sub in SGP.  They were better than anything we had previously achieved with our gear.  It is this that has led to us having a bit more success with this image.  (We are currently gasping at the subs we are getting on the Pacman nebula).   

I wondered if folks might be interested in seeing individual subs, so I post up single Ha and OIII below.  All I have done on these is:

  • Convert to a TIFF
  • Take that TIFF into Photoshop
  • Couple of Curve stretches and clipping of black point
  • (No DBE No NR - and the stretches were "quick and dirty" just for the purpose of this posting)

(Note the ?aircraft trail on the right of the Ha sub - it isn't in the others)

If anything the OIII was better than the Ha - this was a bit of a surprise.  I found that the stack did need a good stretch though - in SGP the auto settings placed the white point at around 13-1400 mark (from memory) - and it took two steep curve stretches to get what I have posted below.  These are 3nm filters, so I assume this is normal.  I don't know if 30 minute (as opposed to 20 minutes) would improve this significantly.





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This is an exceptional image and although I have no doubt that the Astrodons have played their part well, you are to congratulated on producing such a delicate and well processed image - I love it.

Hmmmm Astrodon 3Nm Ha and OIII .... I tend to only image in Ha and OIII so maybe I could slip two pieces of glass under the radar .......

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6 minutes ago, steppenwolf said:

This is an exceptional image and although I have no doubt that the Astrodons have played their part well, you are to congratulated on producing such a delicate and well processed image - I love it.

Hmmmm Astrodon 3Nm Ha and OIII .... I tend to only image in Ha and OIII so maybe I could slip two pieces of glass under the radar .......

If you can't get these under the radar then you are in trouble Steve - who on earth would believe the actual price?

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We really must get ourselves an Astrodon OIII. At present we only have a Baader and not a very good one at that. It's a very halo prone old model.

The thing about the 3nm Ha is that it seems to produce data which is ready processed, as Steve implies. Star reduction and local contrast enhancement is already there in the raw data... It is also much more moon-proof and, I'm told, effective against something called light pollution (of which I don't like the sound...)


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An apology needed from me. I hopped to the mid point of the thread when I saw a notification of my name and responded only on the subject of the AD filters. I hadn't seen the spectacular thread-opening image. Now I have seen it and it is particularly splendid!! (Fay mentioned colour and that was the clue that I was missing something. Thank you, m'dear!) Some decideldly unfamiliar details are showing on what is a familiar target. This takes some doing. Great stuff.


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18 minutes ago, ollypenrice said:

An apology needed from me. I hopped to the mid point of the thread when I saw a notification of my name and responded only on the subject of the AD filters. I hadn't seen the spectacular thread-opening image. Now I have seen it and it is particularly splendid!! (Fay mentioned colour and that was the clue that I was missing something. Thank you, m'dear!) Some decideldly unfamiliar details are showing on what is a familiar target. This takes some doing. Great stuff.


Don't be silly - no apology needed whatsoever - well at least not for that anyway.  Now an apology for being partly responsible for getting me into this AP-racket with the inevitable financial 'implications' ..... well that's a different matter.   

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Absolutely brilliant, the detail, colours are just stunning.

When I get a permanent observatory, this one is going on the wall to remind me what  can be achieved when you know what you are doing, and you do everything right!


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1 minute ago, tomato said:

Absolutely brilliant, the detail, colours are just stunning.

When I get a permanent observatory, this one is going on the wall to remind me what  can be achieved when you know what you are doing, and you do everything right!


Thank you, but I can assure you I really have only a limited idea what I am doing.

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54 minutes ago, Singlin said:

Interesting idea on using just the OIII and HA data.

How did you combine them is there an article around on how to process with just these two filters?

It is a 'bicolour' image.  What you do is map the Ha to the Red channel and then the OIII to both the Green and Blue channels.  I did this in PixInsight this time, but it is very east to do in PS too.  The resulting image looked pretty good straight out, but it did need a little colour correction and SCNR.  I think it is a fairly 'standard' system and it seems very common in images of the Veil nebula.  Certainly that is why I chose a bit of the veil for my proper first light with the Esprit.

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On 07/09/2016 at 21:36, gnomus said:

Don't be silly - no apology needed whatsoever - well at least not for that anyway.  Now an apology for being partly responsible for getting me into this AP-racket with the inevitable financial 'implications' ..... well that's a different matter.   

Oh dear, I don't like the look of Mrs Gnomus' name on the Likes list of this post...

Slips out quietly...

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46 minutes ago, ollypenrice said:

Oh dear, I don't like the look of Mrs Gnomus' name on the Likes list of this post...

Slips out quietly...

The need for a new PC to try and speed up the processing from glacial on our old "Photo-PC" has resulted in our youngest son helping @gnomusto build a Gaming PC, the discovery of something called "Steam" and the downloading of the 1979 Atari classic "Asteroids" - many hours of Steve reliving playing it in the Student Union but not much going on by way of processing in the last couple of days!

At least I get to use the old PC unless it finds a new home in the observatory?

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I don't do 'NB only' images but do combine Ha and OIII with RGB ad LRGB. A system I use might be of interest, though. It's all to do with how much of which filter to map to which channel. In Ps you can build up a system of layers, a stack of different mappings using layers, and then vary the opacity of each to see, in real time, the effects of the blends. So you might, for instance, in the 'RGB' channels stack something like:

Ha, (blend mode luminance)

Ha OIII OIII (blend mode normal)

Ha OIII Ha (justifiable on the grounds that H beta, which is blue, traces the same gasses as Ha.) Blend mode normal.

The opacity slider would then give you a real time blend.

If you NB types are already dong this then I'll slink away with apologies...


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