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Sol 26-8-16 11.30


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a lovely sunny day here in south wales, "BUT" the seeing is horrible, id been on the scope since 8.00am but was 11,30am before i got any shots worth keeping. 45 frames out of 350 thats poor. kit-120mm f5 frac ,1.5x barlow. lunt wedge, 1200d in mono and 1:1 crop mode. theres a lot of development around the new spots. hope you all have better seeing than me. thanks for looking ,clear skys ,charl.


sol 26-8-16 11.30.png


sol 26-8-16 11.30col.png


sol 26-8-16 11.30inv.png

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thanks Dave, yer mate the seeing hasnt been this bad for a while, i nearly gave up at 10am, so left the rig tracking  and checked at 11am and it had improve a bit, glad you mounts working as it should, hopefully we get some better skys tomorrow.  charl.

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