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Sol 21-8-16 09.15


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nice and sunny here in south wales thismorrning.well it looks blank today but there is a small AR just right of center, i could see it clearly in the vis, its in the image but very faint. 60 frames staxed with regi and coloured in photoshop. kit- 120mm f5 frac, 1.5x barlow, lunt wedge, 1200d in mono and crop mode. thanks for looking and clear skys,   charl.


sol 21-8-16 09.15.png


sol 21-8-16 09.15 col.png


sol 21-8-16 09.15 inv.png

heres the SOHO image showing where the AR is hiding.




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Nice work Charl. Well done! :)

Had a look earlier on with my new Skytee mount. Really stable on the mount, even in the wind today, with hardly any movement even on the strongest breeze. Pity there wasn't anything to see except a blank disc! ;) 

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thanks Knighty, yer bet your loving your skytee mate, i was going to get another one,but im going to convert my EQ5 in to a AZ for vis, its only a little bit of filing and dont harm the mount, just allows me to use as AZ when needed. clear skys charl.

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thanks Nihal, yer mate it do, its such a amazing star which we have a front row seat to view it, i marvel everytime i see it, its nice to have a reminder of the size difference, soho do some good images. clear skys.charl. ps you soon get to grips with the eq, if i can use one ,anyone can.

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5 hours ago, cshahar said:

Nice touch with earth and Jupiter scales. I actually have never seen a Jupiter scale before.

Yes, nice one. Jupiter appears much bigger in comparison to the sun than I would have guessed.  Lovely discs too. I'll get my first chance in over a week tomorrow. Clear skies all day in Cambridgeshire they say. (Why do I still believe "them"??) 


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