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I've been wanting to capture this for a while and today was my first successful attempt.
This morning (06-29-16) at 7:52:02am PDT the International Space Station transited the Sun and I managed to capture it.
Technical details:
Lunt 80mm Ha Telescope
ZWO AIS1600MM cooled camera
Video captured @ 0.050ms per frame - 35fps
This is a composite of 1 frame for the surface detail, 1 frame for the prominence's along the edge.
And then the multiple frames extracted from the video for the ISS pass.


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7 hours ago, Linda said:

Nice. They say the Sun is very quiet now without sun spots. But in your picture we see that there is a lot of activity going on anyway.

Yes Linda. The fact that we are nearing solar minimum with very little sunspot activity was one of the deciding factors in my purchasing the Ha scope now. Even with very little activity in white light the Sun is always very active in Ha.

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