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Petition to regulate light pollution


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Hi all,

Slightly late but I have been asked by our resident number auditor to give the update on progress.

Signatures of the petition at 10228 up by 574 since yesterday and taking us past the 10k trigger point

Views of the AB&S ad at 1251 so up 16.

I think an amazing achievement for all the hard work, and in the timescale (mid may) when it was brought to the attention of SGL members it has really been pushed. Astonishing 


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I haven't read through all the posts but searching I couldn't find any mention of an MP.  Do we not need someone to champion this?  Will not the response simply be from some civil servant who maybe has no interest in the subject or is too busy with other things?

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14 minutes ago, CSM said:

I haven't read through all the posts but searching I couldn't find any mention of an MP.  Do we not need someone to champion this?  Will not the response simply be from some civil servant who maybe has no interest in the subject or is too busy with other things?

We have garnered enough support that the Government will respond, it has to be for them to decide their response, we can't send someone to write it for them. No doubt it will be prepared by a civil servant, but it will have to be signed off by a minister.

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Afternoon all,

A late tally sorry to say as our resident bean counter is away and I have just got up from a night shift.

Signatures are at  10412 so up 184 from the usual 12:45 yesterday.

Views of the astro buy and sell ad at 1268 so up 17. 

Things are slowing again compared to the weekend but still at a very high level. Still lots of interest on social media in the subject. I'm still pushing it and getting decent responses.

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Signatures are at  10482 so up 70 .

Views of the astro buy and sell ad at 1280 so up 12. 

Looks like we are back down to the usual sort of figures now, but still climbing.

After today I will not be updating each day at the same time as I am going to be busy. We have achieved our main objective to get a Governmental response. Hopefully it may be a bit more than a one line bland statement.


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Amazing result, can hardly believe we got there. Wonder how much of it was people being drawn into the site by the other petition - that's how I came across it (signing a thing about women being forced to wear high heels at work that was on the BBC). Whatever the reason behind the late surge, I think a collective slap on the back is in order.


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I was thinking about this on Saturday, as I was driving to a dark site to meet up with the Astro Club guys: how big is the environmental impact with astronomers adding emissions into the atmosphere as they drive around the countryside looking for dark places, instead of being able to get an equally impressive view from their back garden? My drive was about 30 miles, but I'm sure many people here will drive (will HAVE to drive) much further than that to get equally dark skies.


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Signatures are at  11,185 so up 703 in the last 8 days, at  1245 hrs .  I only casually looked yesterday and thought it was at around 10,670 in the morning !!!

Views of the astro buy and sell add at 1419 from 1282, still climbing.

We have achieved our main objective to get a Governmental response.


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I was wondering what had caused the sudden rise in signatures. It had fallen to a few tens of signatures per day, so to see 500 or more in 24 hours is quite a jump. Even though we've attained our goal it's certainly nice to have this boost as it pushes our petition past quite a few others in the list and might help get a quicker response if they're actioned in order of number of signatures.


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33 minutes ago, Dave Lloyd said:

Quite sad that after all this time the signatures are still so low.

Agreed Dave but passing 10k was an achievable target and it has surpassed that.

Maybe 100k if we'd been aware of it from the start but in two months it has thankfully gathered enough to warrant a response. 

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