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Everything posted by CSM

  1. I have a G3 Starshoot camera which I have managed to use successfully, despite the rather buggy software. Just over a year ago I was in contact with their tech dept about the software problems and they were going to do a rewrite for win64. Contacted them a couple of weeks ago and the guy there suggested I use the latest G4 sofware version which I have done. And yes, they have obviously done some work on this and the end results didn't need any further editing. Still probably has a few bugs - the pixel squaring didn't work, but I think that may now be done automatically. Looking online I see the G4 has been released in the US a few months ago. It is basically the G3 with improved cooling - down to -20C - and with improved software.
  2. Have a look at this to find Dark Sky sites in the Uk http://www.darkskydiscovery.org.uk/dark-sky-discovery-sites/map.html
  3. CSM

    Hi Chris

    Tomorrow I should get a ZWO ADC and no doubt that will create clouds.  But have you any tips regarding the use of these?  Am hoping to do Jupiter, Mars and Saturn.  I've a Celestron 9.25 AVX and the ZWO ASIMC120-S which gives me quite good images but I think I can do better!



    1. cgarry


      Hi Colin,

      This page is a great reference for ADCs:


      Once you have inserted the ADC into the image chain and the levers are together parallel to the ground, you need to open them up slowly until the red and the blue fringes on the planet vanish.  If you open them too far then the red and blue fringes will swap positions.  Note the planet will shift around on the sensor when you adjust the levers which can be a bit of a pain.

      Once you get the hang of it should really improve your images.  That is assuming the cloud ever clears...



    2. CSM


      Hi Chris,

      Yes - I had read through Martin's spiel and am still just a little confused, particularly about the bit getting the levers parallel to the ground no matter how many times I read through that. I usually image with the diagonal in place and the cardboard method seems a bit impractical, especially with a dew shield in place. So any suggestions for that.

      Also, it is only on the rare occasions that I have used a 3xBarlow - have the Meade Shorty - as conditions are seldom good enough.  But as the ADC is supposed to work best at f 30 - 40 would that Barlow be good enough?  Or maybe I should invest in another, better Barlow - a 3x TV Barlow (have 2xTVBarlow)?

      Do you do the prism adjustments on a nearby star rather than on the planet?  Regulus is near Jupiter so I was thinking maybe do it on that first?

      By the way, free airmail from China took from Friday to Monday!



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