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Petition to regulate light pollution


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Two weeks ago finally the lights in my area went out at 1am.

Instantly noticed no more bird song through the night.

This finding on spring really does not surprise me.

Also isn't there a link to eye sight development and night lighting, I wonder if this is why averts have appeared saying x millions of children require glasses but are not yet tested. I think this area should be investigated.

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13 minutes ago, happy-kat said:

Two weeks ago finally the lights in my area went out at 1am.

Instantly noticed no more bird song through the night.

This finding on spring really does not surprise me.

Also isn't there a link to eye sight development and night lighting, I wonder if this is why averts have appeared saying x millions of children require glasses but are not yet tested. I think this area should be investigated.

Derek (Physopto) posted something about the eye effects on page 8 (I think) but the links don't seem to work anymore. 

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I've just had the page open for 5 minutes, and in that time it has gone from 9938 to 9943.

If it is genuine then great, however the eternal cynic in me says if something looks too good to be true...

Here's hoping.

CPRE have tweeted the petition 4 hours ago.

There are also a lot of articles linked regarding light pollution and spring arriving early / messing about with plant as well as wildlife.

Interestingly, there's also a tweet from the RAS (Royal Astronomical Society) about drones being used to monitor light pollution.




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I know we've often commented that this petition came at a bad time, but I'm not so sure any more. Over the past month we've seen the extent of light pollution announced fairly globally by the media. This included the light pollution maps. Now we have studies that suggest Spring is starting earlier as a consequence of light pollution. All this publicity will certainly help out cause.

I can't help but wonder whether some of the other petitions have actually helped too. Some people have said they didn't  want to sign our petition as they didn't want to be spammed forever more once they had submitted their details. Perhaps they felt strongly enough about the other petitions to sign up anyway, at which point there would be nothing to lose by signing ours ?



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I have had a look at the Json data and it shows that of the 9961 signatures 73 are from outside the uk.  Could be expats :) not sure how they are counted. But worse case we are only looking for another  112 signatures.


Andy. ( currently in a very light polluted and cloudy Cape Verde)

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This is really great whatever the driver is behind it as above 10000 signatures it will get replied to, even if thats just to say there were false sign ups. Less than the threshold then it would even be looked at.


Either way it seems to have become slightly viral and has a mind of its own !

Great work everyone.



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I think the count is genuine and easily realistic...... all the other maps in the various petitions are as unrepresentative as this one is, so I wouldn't put any weight behind it.

Next goal is 100,000 :happy7:

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