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I'm home!!


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Hello everyone!

Newbie here, bought 10x50 binocs a month back to start learning my way about the sky. After weeks of clouds and researching telescopes I said screw it and ordered my first ever telescope, a Zhumell Z10. It got here friday and I was blessed with a moonless, clear weekend to test it.

Got out into the dark country with about 7 of my friends and no clue what I was doing. Collimated, all set up, figure jupiter should be easy to find.

A few moments of dragging my telescope all over and...


Damn. It's kind of hard to put it into words the first time, you know? It blew my mind, it blew everyone's mind. The detail was even better than I thought. 1 or 2 nights with this thing and my knowledge of the sky and cosmos has probably quadrupled. 

I'm exausted. I've been up late every night, watching the sky, even though I open at work every day. I'm a small guy and my arms are so sore from lugging that star cannon in and out every night.

But every time I get it out, it was worth all if it. This is probably one of the best puchases I've made in my life. It's consumed my free time even when there are no stars out.

It kinda feels like I'm home.


TL;DR newbie hobby astronimist had religious experience with his first telescope, and plans to frequent your forums! I hope to learn a lot here.

Thanks all, see you around!

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I would say that is possibly one of the most enthusiastic  starts in astronomy I have come across in print. It is a great feeling when you experience that first WOW moment. 

Welcome by the way, :icon_biggrin:


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4 minutes ago, Physopto said:

I would say that is possibly one of the most enthusiastic  starts in astronomy I have come across in print. It is a great feeling when you experience that first WOW moment. 

Welcome by the way, :icon_biggrin:


Yes definitely! Welcome to the SGL.

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Thanks all!

2 hours ago, Putaendo Patrick said:

Welcome, and congratulations on the first scope! I hear very good things about the Zhumell Z10 - out of curiosity, where did you buy it?

Telescopes.com, although I won't lie it was kind of a hassle spoiled by AVS fails, bank charges for orders that didn't happen, etc. For example, in the course of about 3 days, I was charged three seperate occasions for $549, and had to call my bank twice to clear them.

Also, the fan on the dob came broken, and they literally told me to google it. Their CS leaves a lot to be desired.

Those problems aside, I find it to be an amazing purchase, although I have no prior telescope experiences to compare it to.

Also, I feel like a badass when I rotate the scope long distances, all the bearings rolling into action sounds epic lol


1 hour ago, Physopto said:

I would say that is possibly one of the most enthusiastic  starts in astronomy I have come across in print. It is a great feeling when you experience that first WOW moment. 

Welcome by the way, :icon_biggrin:


I can definately thank about 2 weeks of pure research for that. The 2 days prior to ordering, my brain was fried from analysis paralysis. I didn't want that first viewing to potentially spoil everything because of my own ignorance. I made sure to do a lot of reading on eyepieces and proper collimation and in general many things a lot of newcomers tend to overlook.

P.s. thanks for spelling your name the only way we Dereks should.

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