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My first Mars 2016


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Despite the photo have not been to my taste, quite formations can be identified, including: Syrtis Major with a lot of clouds over Hellas. Sinus sabaeus, Meridiani and Margaritifer are easily visible and Utopia, Protonilus and Mare Acidalium.
The North Pole appears very poorly and I am still in doubt if that flash on the left bank is the infamous Edge Rind or reflection is the planet's atmosphere due to the angle that it is.
To my knowledge the Edge Rind is a kind of double edge that gets into the margin, since this effect in the photo is exactly on the edge.
Below a small GIF with two photos taken at the same time:http://gifmaker.me/PlayVideoAnimation.php?folder=2016042107F76vHOeTWWfcXMNeURnm6X&file=output_fExLfg.mp4
To see the AstroBin: http://www.astrobin.com/246122/0/

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Looking forward to a long and productive Mars season from Brazil.

Thanks, Avani. This is already impressive. No doubt you'll soon exceed our wildest expectations!


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This is a very  High Quality Image of Mars Avani. 
The planet is not an easy one for the Astrophotographer, 
It's own atmosphere, as well as Earth's off times unsteady envelope, can contrive to
make the Imagers life difficult. However, you succeeded here, in spite of some annoying  Martian cloud :icon_biggrin:.
Perhaps The skies above Brazil are much quieter than European ones.
I look forward to seeing more of your work, great stuff.

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