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Good afternoon from NL


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Hi everyone

I'm a Swede living in one of the most light polluted parts of Europe (if one is to believe darksitefinder.com), The Hague, Netherlands.

I've been interested in astronomy since I was a boy, an interest which has returned over the past year. I know my way around a star map but am, beyond my eyes, completely without observing equipment. I hope to rectify that in the nearish future so I am with great interest reading about telescopes, mounts etc etc and will definitely be posting beginner questions. I am also looking into an astronomy club or such (and if you have any suggestions please let me know). 

My other big hobby since approx. 3 decades is photography. Apart from the odd photo with my phone, I use film exclusively. The photographer in me is very interested in "imaging", which I find a curious term. I am well aware of the benefits of digital for astrophotography. While I am unlikely ever to buy a digital camera for my normal photography, I will be looking into doing so for astrophotography. That said, I will also try using film, which I look forward to as well.



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Hi Philip. Nice to see you. If you have access to a pair of binoculars also then use these to learn the sky in a little more detail too. You can see quite a few deep sky objects with a decent pair, and they can be relatively cheap too. They will always come in handy even when you do eventually get a telescope too. Either a good pair of 12 X 50's or 15 X 70's if possible can show a whole host of things in the sky much better than the naked eye can.

Either way, the main thing to do is always enjoy the view, whether this is by eye, binoculars, telescope or camera. :)

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Hi,and welcome;nice to hear from someone who wants to still use the "old" way of taking frames with a film camera.Are you going down the route of baking in them in nitrogen?? To make them more sensitive,will help....a lot,otherwise you will be restricted to quite short exposures.Can`t wait to see your results as this reminds me when i used to take all my astro photos this way...... Des

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Hi Philipus,

Welcome from the Netherlands (by someone who was born and raised in The Hague).

On the subject of a local astronomy club, please visit the public observatory in Rijswijk.


I'm one of the active members pursuing astrophotography and can help you with film astrophotography. I have been using an Olympus OM-1 and Mamiya 645 for several years (results can be seen in the Deep-Sky gallery on my website).

The observatory is open to the public every 1st and 3rd Friday of the month from 20:00 to 22:00. The members gather every 2nd and 4th Friday of the month to observe and share experiences.

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Hi Philip and welcome to SGL, if you want to go down the imaging route, one of the first recommended acquisitions is to obtain a copy of "making Every Photon Count" by Steve Richards. Copies are not available through retail book outlets, but can be had direct from here, http://www.skyatnightimages.co.uk  this has been the source of valuable information for our most experienced imagers and those just starting out. Enjoy your Astrophotography and the forum :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you very much for the welcome Des. I certainly want too try with film though I understand digital will be both easier and offer better results. I was thinking initially to use the film as us but I've read about various techniques so we'll see if I'm brave enough too try :)

Hi,and welcome;nice to hear from someone who wants to still use the "old" way of taking frames with a film camera.Are you going down the route of baking in them in nitrogen?? To make them more sensitive,will help....a lot,otherwise you will be restricted to quite short exposures.Can`t wait to see your results as this reminds me when i used to take all my astro photos this way...... Des

Hi Maurice, thank you this is great news. I will definitely come visit the observatory. Very exciting indeed. Perhaps we could meet and I could bombard you with newbie questions.

I'm very grateful that you posted; when I searched for"astrophotography and medium format film" one of your sites (dutchdeepsky) was the best hit and also introduced me to the Borg telescopes which I hadn't heard of before. The deep sky images you have taken with film (and the digital ones too of course) are very, very nice.

Hi Philipus,

Welcome from the Netherlands (by someone who was born and raised in The Hague).

On the subject of a local astronomy club, please visit the public observatory in Rijswijk.


I'm one of the active members pursuing astrophotography and can help you with film astrophotography. I have been using an Olympus OM-1 and Mamiya 645 for several years (results can be seen in the Deep-Sky gallery on my website).

The observatory is open to the public every 1st and 3rd Friday of the month from 20:00 to 22:00. The members gather every 2nd and 4th Friday of the month to observe and share experiences.

Thank you for pointing me to this book. I have read good things about it but wasn't sure where to buy it. I will definitely place an order.

Hi Philip and welcome to SGL, if you want to go down the imaging route, one of the first recommended acquisitions is to obtain a copy of "making Every Photon Count" by Steve Richards. Copies are not available through retail book outlets, but can be had direct from here, http://www.skyatnightimages.co.uk this has been the source of valuable information for our most experienced imagers and those just starting out. Enjoy your Astrophotography and the forum :)

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