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Provence Obs drone movie


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Hi all,

After a summer of all work and no play, topped off by a short Polar expedition on the icebreaker Oden, I needed a week of R&R. I knew the situation was going to be like this so I had booked tickets to France quite early. The week has now come, and I am at Les Granges (Olly Penrice's place) where I share a four pier automated and very, very home-brewed observatory with Jonas Grinde, Peter Woods, Yves van den Broek and Jeffrey Jongmans (all here on SGL at times). I packed the drone I bought in May and the weather was nice for the first couple of days.



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It is a DJI Phantom 3 Advanced, and the video was actually shot in 2.7k, but I downsampled to 720p for youtube.

The blue sky is now a grey mass of snow... Blizzard currently blowing. Nice and cosy indoors, though :)


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It is a DJI Phantom 3 Advanced, and the video was actually shot in 2.7k, but I downsampled to 720p for youtube.

The blue sky is now a grey mass of snow... Blizzard currently blowing. Nice and cosy indoors, though :)


I have just won a Quanum venture with APM 2.6 gps and fpv set up for a very fair price on ebay as my old f450 was being a right pain needing motors and ESC`s

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Quite incredile - even though I've lived here for thirteen years, built much of what you see in the film and was there while Per was driving the drone. It is simply amazing to have a new perspective on your own home. Wow. I knew I would be stunned by the video and...yes, I'm stunned but more stunned than that!!! Too good. As for the weather, well it had to fall over. Shorts in November at 3000 feet is not normal.  However, it is said to come back in the middle of next week.

Per, what a video! I love it.


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So you have both burners on the go? ;)

More than that! There are four logburners here. We rarely need all four at once though!

It's been five weeks since I was there, it's so nice to see a new view of Les granges, but such a shock to see it without the autumn colours.

Keep splitting those logs Olly!


attachicon.gifautumn1.jpg attachicon.gifautumn2.jpg

Ah yes, the ten tonne hydraulic logsplitter is thing of beauty!

We have our first light dusting of the white stuff this morning.


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Great video and a lovely setting. Like astrophotography, aerial photography is another field well within the reach of the amateur these days. It's not so long ago that you'd have needed a helicopter for that shot.

Hope the drone landed ok and didn't crash into a Tak. ;) (I flew a cheap RC plane once a few year back. It circled out-of-control for a while then promptly crashed into my car, which was parked three hundred yards away. Causing zero damage as it was made out of styrofoam (um, the plane, not the car.)).

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Great video and a lovely setting. Like astrophotography, aerial photography is another field well within the reach of the amateur these days. It's not so long ago that you'd have needed a helicopter for that shot.

Hope the drone landed ok and didn't crash into a Tak. ;) (I flew a cheap RC plane once a few year back. It circled out-of-control for a while then promptly crashed into my car, which was parked three hundred yards away. Causing zero damage as it was made out of styrofoam (um, the plane, not the car.)).

Note that all my observatories were closed...  :grin:

Only joking. I have absolute faith in Captain Per.


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I tend to do things properly :) The drone is registered with the Swedish registry and there is a commercial permit along with the required insurance to cover €800,000 in damages... Not sure how I should fly it and produce that kind of damage, but still; a requirement is a requirement. I also hold a private helicopter liceense (PPL(H)) since 1996 ;)


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The fact that two foot wide plastic flying machines should have excercised the minds of armies of politicians and bureauocrats to such an extent that thousands of pages of legislation are already in place is rather marvellous. It made me think of the Goon Show episode 'Wings Over Dagenham' in which the inventors of the aeroplane, on knocking in the very last nail, instantly receive a phone call from Grytpype Thynne who declares that he is 'The Air Ministry' and, upon payment of a suitable fee, will have some air fixed in place over Dagenham for an initial test flight.

Had toilet paper not already been invented one can only shudder to think of what its inventors might have had to face had they invented it recently. (Tensile strength or 'breakthrough resistance,' disclaimers regarding bacteriological contamination, biodegradability, specifications for maximum fingernail length, what to do if swallow... No, let's not go there!

Boy, I bet those Wright Brothers are turning in their graves at the thought of retrospective legislation...

:grin: lly

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