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59 minutes ago, DRT said:

Now you've got me worried! I can picture Jules hurtling down the M1 on a pony dressed as a Kossak with his hair on fire heading for my house :eek:

Must rush down to Aldi to buy a black plastic plant pot and a big blue sticker so that I can disguise my Altair as a Tal :wink:


I'm sending up the Batman style Tal sign to give Jules forewarning, he will be wondering why his head is spinning round with his ears on fire.   

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21 hours ago, Chris Lock said:

It's difficult to compete with all these lovely fracs, I might as well throw in the Tal ;) 

Could have been worse Chris, it could have been sandwiched between 100mm Triplet skylight and 6" F12 "observatory piece" Skylight, like my poor starwave!

Seriously though, with the Tal Wooden Tripod, that's a lovely looking set up in it's own right!

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18 minutes ago, F15Rules said:

It's called "eclectic industrial chic" actually

only until the sticker peals off and the dew shields warps in the sun... then it's called "shabby chic" and my missus will impulsively pay an exuberant amount of money for it! 

Edited by Fozzie
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1 minute ago, Fozzie said:

Could have been worse Chris, it could have been sandwiched between 100mm Triplet skylight and 6" F12 "observatory piece" Skylight, like my poor starwave!

Seriously though, with the Tal Wooden Tripod, that's a lovely looking set up in it's own right!

 Thanks Steve :) I can't believe I nearly sold the tripod, really glad I didn't!

I think the Skylights frame your Starwave nicely, great scope, I very nearly went for Derek's when he sold one.



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1 minute ago, Chris Lock said:

 Thanks Steve :) I can't believe I nearly sold the tripod, really glad I didn't!

I nearly bought it.. was going to put my grab and go head on it for white light, as I neeeeeeeeeed a bit of a more stable tripod.. Just let that mini portar on ABS go (again) too.. very indecisive at the moment!

that Starwave was a bargain for someone!

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2 hours ago, DRT said:

Now you've got me worried! I can picture Jules hurtling down the M1 on a pony dressed as a Kossak with his hair on fire heading for my house :eek:

Must rush down to Aldi to buy a black plastic plant pot and a big blue sticker so that I can disguise my Altair as a Tal :wink:


I have access to a race horse called haribo (daughters) i dont have enough hair to set a fire and would not know how to dress as a kossak, so i guess your safe :grin:

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2 hours ago, Fozzie said:

Great fires of London! That's a perilous thing to throw out there.. I once marginally suggested that the 4" starwave was better than that Russian magnifying glass thingy only to realise quite quickly I needed to get the heck out of dodge before the lynching..

I've spoken to a few Talites, including Jules (who I consider to be the grandmaster of the Tal's member club) and the reverence these Tals are spoken off is very great indeed.  Shame they stopped making them.. I've nearly punched the button on the second hand market a number of times just to say I've got one..

Mind you I thought about cutting one down for BV purposes and I believe that get you a life time ban from the lodge so best I don't pick one up!

I could help you out on that, i have a spare 100rs

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7 minutes ago, nightfisher said:

I have access to a race horse called haribo (daughters) i dont have enough hair to set a fire and would not know how to dress as a kossak, so i guess your safe :grin:

And the M1 is bound to be closed / congested for days :icon_compress:

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1 hour ago, Skyline said:

I hear these Tals don't show much CA, so long as your happy Chris ! 

I'm very happy with the focuser and the build quality, just waiting to use it in anger to check out the optics. The only clear nights I've seen since it arrived have typically been when I'm working a late!

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1 hour ago, DRT said:

It's showing clear for the weekend up here, Chris - hope you get the same :wink:


Ipswich weather says it's cloudy until 3am, although if that turns out to be wrong I'll be out like a shot, despite this annoying cold. I'll just stick some tissue up my nose :tongue:

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  • 2 weeks later...

New addition thanks to a very long Ebay hunt! I've had my eye out for one of these for about 2 years since turning down one of Dave's  @F15Rules examples, then regretting it lol.

Circle K Japan 76.2mm f/16 classic refractor. This one is branded Panorama, and came in the wooden box with all the trimmings. 

Had it out tonight, and really found it easy to use as the mount converts nicelyinto AZ with long controls. Had lovely sharp views of the Moon, plus detected M57 despite Moon (see pic of scope pointing straight up). Star test looked good, maybe slightly less sharp on intra focus rings perhaps. I still got a lovely wide clean split on Mizar, beautiful little orbs like stars showing, I'm very happy to have finally bagged one, it just needs a little TLC :)  




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Lovely looking scopes those :icon_biggrin:

There is a palpable excitement about being at the eyepiece end of a long white tube like that with the stars twinkling invitingly above.

Edited by John
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