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Whats your favourite object


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Its very hard to say. The great Globular cluster in Hercules when viewed at its best is stunning, a big white blob sprinkled with gold and blue.

Im a galaxy freak but theres so many to choose from.

M57, the ring nebula purely because it was the first proper deep sky object I ever saw through a scope

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I think M81 and M82 together - they're bright enough to see quite easily and they're quite different from each other - and the first galaxies after M31 that I observed.

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Oh such a hard question..... I'm sooo torn between M42 and M13 and on a very good night through the 10" I'd add M31. If it was a messier the Perseus double cluster would be right up there with them too.

Matt the king of the decision makers

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My first object was M13, lovely object as are many others iam going to try and locate M101 tonight if sky's allow is this an easy target ? so far i have tracked down 20 messier objects .

And as i already mentioned m81/m82 i find great in the field of view.

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My first object was M13, lovely object as are many others iam going to try and locate M101 tonight if sky's allow is this an easy target ? so far i have tracked down 20 messier objects .

Never found M101 to be very easy myself - though it'll depend on your skies (and scope!).

M13 is one of my favourite visual deep sky objects on a good dark night.

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Its a toss up for me between M81/82 and M42 and any of the following Globulars: M13, M92, M3, M5, M53, M22...

M81/82 as I like getting two objects for the price of one (and I like edge on galaxies), M42 as there's both the nebula itself and the Trapezium and I love globulars, M13 is special (and there's a faint galaxy visible nearby), M3 is a sign that spring is coming, I could go on but won't...

As I've got to choose one I'll go for M42 - beautiful nebula and the Trapezium to test the eyesight/optics/seeing.


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I think so far, it's gotta be M44/M45 (I know that's 2 but it's hard to choose between them).

Ditto. :thumbup: Open clusters have always fascinated me, especially large ones that I can dive into for a really close look. :(

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I think so far, it's gotta be M44/M45 (I know that's 2 but it's hard to choose between them).

Ditto. :thumbup: Open clusters have always fascinated me, especially large ones that I can dive into for a really close look. :D

I also think not in the messier catalogue, but the double cluster in perseus its a gem as already mentioned in another post , :( i have upgraded to a 8 inch dob so looking forward to the challenges ahead

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I think so far, it's gotta be M44/M45 (I know that's 2 but it's hard to choose between them).

Has to be for me too...

Recent funny experience - Set up scope in random direction - Looked through finder:

WOW, what the [expetive] is THAT? Sadly not a "new discovery", it was M44... :(

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My favourite is probably M13 in Hercules, due to being one of the first I can remember viewing. Close second are the 3 open clusters in Auriga, M36, M37 and M38 that I love panning between. Quite lovely.



ps: Saturn is easly the greatest sight in any scope IMHO

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What a question!!

M13 might be a new favourite, after seeing it at Kielder. 'Twas just superb.

Previously was possibly M42 for all those lovely wisps.

Recently though I'm into galaxies, and it's a tough call between dramatic M51, duplet M81/2 and triplet M65/66/NGC3628.

There's your answer - 7 to choose from :?


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prob be m57 when i eventually confirm i've found it.

but at min it has to be m94, i know it's nothing spectacular and its just a faint fuzzy in my scope but, its a big galaxy, god knows how many light years away and i saw it lol.

so yeah at min m94 for the awe inspiring aspects of it :(

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Loads to choose from :(. M29 was one of the first open clusters I saw in my 'frac and it was glorious, M92 is glorious as is M13....

But it has to be M42 because you can sit there for ages just picking out bits of detail in pretty much any scope. How many deep sky objects can you do that with?


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