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Hello from a Newbie


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I'm new to your forum, and have read the CoC. I accept it and applaud you for having it. Thanks.

I expect to take delivery of my new scope and mount next week - Skywatcher 200mm with EQ6 Synscan mount. My main interest is astrophotography, but I'll also use the scope for simple "looking".

Until now, I've taken a few photos with my DSLR and a good tripod, but not being able to track is limiting - hence the upgrade.

I'm not sure how many members you have from the Southern Hemisphere, but given that 90% of the human population lives north of the equator, I would expect around 10% of your members are "mexicans" like me (south of the border :) )

I live in Mount Barker, South Australia, which isn't too badly affected by light pollution. I can easily photograph the milky way from outside my back-door, so I feel sorry for you northerners who have to travel to dark areas to use your scopes.

Anyway, hello, and thanks for allowing me to join your group.

Ian Blackwell

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Hi Ian,

Warm welcome to SGL, great choice of scope should serve you well.

I think you may be surprised at how many southern hemisphere observers on here, as south =warmth=clear skies= more obsy time ;-) .

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Hi Ian and welcome to SGL, If you are going down the AP route with your setup, it could be a wise move to avail yourself of a copy of "Making Every Photon Count" by Steve Richards, this book occupies a place on the shelves of the majority of our forum imagers and comes highly recommended. As this is not available through normal retail outlets, it is available direct... http://www.skyatnightimages.co.uk  enjoy your Astronomy :)

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Hi Ian and welcome to the forum. Very nice setup you have there and will provide a good base to do both visual and imaging, though 'aperture fever' is never far away!  :grin:

Clear skies and hope you enjoy your stay here.

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Hi and welcome from another newbie

Not all skies are light polluted North of the equator. Mine are fine in rural France. When clear Orion is outside my back doors at the moment

You joined a great resource. All your questions can be answered here

Clear skies

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello to a fellow Ian and a warm welcome to the SGL

Starting to cool down here, but it can be hot. Only 7 degrees overnight last night, and heading south as we get closer to winter ;)

Summer nights can hover around 25 though, perfect for scoping!


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