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  1. Yes just starting out can get a scoope and guide scope on a deal from rvo
  2. Hi I was wondering is there a significant difference between fpl51 and fpl53 i am thinking about getting a rvo horizon 60ed many thanks Stephen
  3. Hi I have just downloaded registax6 and it won’t work with my cannon eos400d I have changed to jpeg to raw on my camara settings I am using windows 10 is there any help and advice would be very much appreciated thank you so much
  4. admin can spell check and alter your typos for you i think
  5. words cannot say how good this site is i have been on here since 20/march/2015 it is a load of information nothing to much trouble if you have a question you will sure get a answer world wide to wish i had known about this site years ago thanks for a good site just keep going as you all are Stephen Doncaster
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