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GRS heads up


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I've packed it in. It's still clear outside but the seeing conditions are really quite poor. I can barely make out the GRS and a couple of cloud belts with the ED120 at 150x. Nothing like the usual detail :sad:

If the seeing had been better I'd have stayed at it but I've a bit of a cold so I can't see the point in pushing on when the rewards are somewhat lacking.

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I've packed it in. It's still clear outside but the seeing conditions are really quite poor. I can barely make out the GRS and a couple of cloud belts with the ED120 at 150x. Nothing like the usual detail :sad:

If the seeing had been better I'd have stayed at it but I've a bit of a cold so I can't see the point in pushing on when the rewards are somewhat lacking.

It is chilly! I've come in for a cuppa, but will try later as Jupiter hits the meridian, in case it improves. Otherwise an early night is in order. There were brief hints of clarity, but otherwise worse than I've had all month. Shame really, we don't see many dark and clear Saturday nights!

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Did a couple of videos using 10"SCT with and without 2 X Powermate seeing not good, even though the sky looked pretty good with none of the mist from recent viewing nights.

I had the same thought as you Jake but seeing actually got considerably worse as it approached the Meridian, tried 6mm Ethos but settled on the 13mm and could make out nice orangey spot, best views of Jupiter and moons was actually with 32mm TV Plossl.


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I've packed it in. It's still clear outside but the seeing conditions are really quite poor. I can barely make out the GRS and a couple of cloud belts with the ED120 at 150x. Nothing like the usual detail :sad:

If the seeing had been better I'd have stayed at it but I've a bit of a cold so I can't see the point in pushing on when the rewards are somewhat lacking.

Same for me. Wobbly views, and not just because I was shivering!

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Spent a couple of hours 10-12... seeing was *rubbish* for the first hour & I was on the verge... then it picked up for the rest, to the extent that I think I had my best views ever of the old boy (bear in mind I'm still a bit damp behind the ears at all this, so not much experience to go on...) I watched the GRS move across near enough the whole face of Jupiter - fabulous! - for the second hour at any rate :)

Thinking of the discussions re the Tele Vue Planetary, I tried out the Baader Neodym ( didn't seem to offer much, which surprised me given how effective others find it), a single polariser acting as an ND (ok, quite effective at reducing any glare) but the filter that sat me upright was the Baader UHC-S - suddenly the GRS 'popped' and had noticeable colour (pinky orange), and the band colours of brown/tan (northern) and grey (southern) were really distinct such as I've not seen them before. I think this partly was the result of much better seeing conditions, but the colours still seemed to pop more easily with the UHC and it really did make the GRS easier...I swapped back and forth for quite awhile to check.

Also had a gander at M44 - lovely - and found a delightful (and new to me being only an apprentice) little jewel in the form of X Cancri - such a gorgeous tiny red gem.

From a really unpromising start, tonight was very kind (not even taking the earlier Mars, Venus, Moon and a perhaps/possible/ish Uranus into account) and I'm a very happy bunny... even if my paws got frostbite :)

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We have visitors so I did not set up even though he is an astronomer

The early evening was plagued by clouds and the seeing looked bad

the forecast said full cloud after 11 but now it looks fairly good  out there

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I was playing away this evening in the rather lovely West Dorset coast. Seeing was only so so. Don't think that I went over x150 for the whole session. However, these were the darkest skys that I have ever viewed under DSO heaven!


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I was playing away this evening in the rather lovely West Dorset coast. Seeing was only so so. Don't think that I went over x150 for the whole session. However, these were the darkest skys that I have ever viewed under DSO heaven!


Where did you end up Paul? Glad you got some clear sky

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Where did you end up Paul? Glad you got some clear sky

I managed to fall asleep after a pint of cider over dinner in Bridport so had a later than planned start. So just headed along the cost road between Abbotsbury and Swyre. Took a little turning upon to the platau and set up there. I could even get a fairly narrow view of the sea to the south. Good parking place. Carry kit across the road into the field (public footpath). 2 cars in 3 1/2 hours.

In a cow field. Darkish sky. Couldn't have been happier!

N50°40'32" W2°37'39"

Thanks for your advice. I'll make the trip to St Aldhelm's when we come down again.


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