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Hello all!

Been lurking and spying on you all for the past few weeks picking up some of the basics and using posts for my buying decisions and so I thought it was probably about time that I introduced myself properly!

I'm Phil and I've been interested in Astronomy since I was a wee lad, but never really got off the ground with it but now my 30's have kicked in, and my financial situation permits throwing money at it I figured now is a good of a time as any!

I'd have to say I'm more interested in imaging than visual, though that doesn't mean I'm basing my entire setup around just imaging.

My equipment list thus far :-

Celestron Advanced VX Mount (Figured I'd pool a bigger portion of money here first since platform for imaging is everything!)

Celestron Nexstar 4SE (I had this quite a bit before the mount to just get me going as it seemed to come recommended, and was a good place to kick everything off)

Skywatcher ST80

Canon EOS 100D

Incidentally I noticed that imaging with the MAK was pretty hard work, and getting the thing in to a position where I could actually get decent images out of it seemed like an expensive task when an ST80 would produce better images out of the box, and for £40 no less, as it had been on display, but unused. And I'm sure at some point down the line it'll make a pretty handy guide scope!

Unfortunately I've only had 2 nights with decent skies where I've been out and able to have a proper crack at setting everything up, currently everything is now nicely integrated with Stellarium & BYEOS so now I just need a few good nights to get out and actually start using it all properly!


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Hi Phil and welcome to SGL from another imager. My kit IS solely built around imaging, have never looked through my current scopes!! :D If DSO's is your thing for imaging and you've not already done so, then pop along to the FLO website in the book section and order a copy of 'Making Every Photon Count' - This really is something of an imagers bible. Well worth a read.

Look forward to seeing you around :)

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Hi Phil and welcome to SGL from another imager. My kit IS solely built around imaging, have never looked through my current scopes!! :D If DSO's is your thing for imaging and you've not already done so, then pop along to the FLO website in the book section and order a copy of 'Making Every Photon Count' - This really is something of an imagers bible. Well worth a read.

Look forward to seeing you around :)

Hello Sara,

DSO's are certainly my thing, and something I'm definitely keen to start imaging, It's a real shame that I've just not had the hours I need under a decent sky to really get setup and do some serious trial and error! I've had a peek through your stream and it's impressive stuff... makes me want to get outside and get cracking as I've got A LOT of learning to do!

I've got a few bits to order from FLO later on so I'll tack the book on to that order, thanks!


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Thanks everyone, It's certainly been slow going and I've had a lot to take in over the past couple of weeks, nevertheless it's been interesting! I'm looking forward to getting outside and realising how much I don't know! :)


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