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Hi to all members

Dixey D

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I'm a new member, just registered a few weeks ago although I've dipped in and out of the site as a guest before this.

I've had a passing interest in astronomy for a lot of years now but never done any practical stargazing. As a teenager, I remember watching Patrick Moore's first transmission of "The Sky at Night" which probably gives you a clue as to my age now.

Anyway, earlier this year I decided to do something about it and bought a Heritage 130P Dobsonian. which I find quite good as a first scope and one which I could use to find my way around the skies, starting from the ground up as it were.  I live in North Yorkshire and it is light and easy to chuck in the back of the car and head up to view dark skies from the moors.

I've now decided that if I want to see everything I want to see, then I need a "Go-to" so I've just purchased a Celestron 6SE which I'm still getting to grips with. This must be the first time ever that I'm looking forward to the darker nights coming.

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Hi Dixey and welcome to the forum. Like many interests there is an initial steep learning curve and then things progress to being a little easier (...that was what I read in the instruction booklet! :grin:  :grin: ). Remember we are here to help you and no matter what kit you buy, there will be somebody here with the same gear who experienced the same problems as you, so you will always be in good company.

Clear skies for now and hope you enjoy your stay here.


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Hi and welcome to SGL - Glad that you found us and decided to join! You know that we're a strange bunch really, wishing away the summer and looking forward to the dark (yet sadly cold!) winter nights!!

Look forward to seeing you around :smiley:

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