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Let's see your 1st DSOs


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  • 3 weeks later...

Here's my very first DSO effort (M13 afocal) from June 3rd. Telescope is Celestron NexStar 4SE, with a Canon Powershot A85 (4megapixels, jpgs only). I stacked 14 shots in DSS, and tweaked the result with Gimp. The telescope was quite steady when I was viewing by eye, but I think the weight of the camera caused a drift which resulted in star trails. I've subsequently messed about with offsets in Gimp, but this image is the "real" first output.



(click to enlarge)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well - I suppose, to enter into the spirit of this thread ... albeit highly :oops: :oops: :oops: ! Here is my very first ever effort at - you've guessed it! - M13, done back in July 2005 soon after I got the kit. I had no idea how to focus! But I was chuffed enough that I could see more than one star in it! Cropped and resized I think (I don't have the records anymore) but not processed. Ooo-errrhh!

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  • 1 month later...

I'm still working on perfecting drift alignment, tuning gear backlash, taking flat frames, etc. etc. Big learning curve. However, I can't resist taking the odd test image to see how things are coming along.

Here is my very first, M27. Single, unguided, 30-second exposure. SV-105 on G11, SXV-H9 (cropped).


And a few nights later, M13 (10 30-second exposures stacked with Maxim DL). SV-105 on G11, unguided, SXV-H9 (cropped).


- Richard

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  • 1 month later...

Heres my first effort - M42 through an ETX-105 with a Meade DSI...


Sometimes I get worse, sometimes I get better - I find this hobby incredibly exhilirating sometimes, and other times incredibly frustrating...

Right in the depths of frustrated right now, what with the weather, the Moon tonight, and everything else....

Ah well - it'll get better again, I am sure!

Great first images though - its good to see where we all started from - some of those first DSO's are excellent!



P.S. I second the 'great idea for a thread' - great idea :D

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  • 1 month later...

Well after weeks of waiting i finally got round to taking my first prime focus DSO.Weather had been stormy all day then suddenly the sky cleared and the wind dropped(still gusting to over 30mph though).Lost quite a few subs because of the wind.


Orion Europa 150


10x120s,5x150s and 5x180 ISO 800(unguided.)

Stacked using DSS and butchered in PS CS3


Might as well post my second one as well.

Same gear as before.

5x90s,5x120sand 5x150.


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Well guys this is my first ever attempt at imaging. it's not very good but it's a start, and i'm pleased for my first ever attempt at imaging.

M81 - Bode's Galaxy, the seeing and transparency were pretty poor.

1x1m L, 1x1 RGB, 8" newtonian, starlight mx916 unguided.


(click to enlarge)


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OK - technically not my first (somewhere there float a load of images taken with a society scope back in the mid-to-late nineties...), but these were the first taken when I got my own ccd+scope going. All ST2000+12"LX200 Classic (sometimes at f6.3, sometimes at f10) or TV Pronto for the wide ones. Guiding was entertaining (the drive wasn't the smoothest), but my first ever results using my kit. My processing skills have come on a bit since then (I hope) - if only I can hurry up and get back setup again - I miss imaging...

So... Sept 2004 NGC7331 (very first image with my stuff I think):


NGC 6946 with Supernova 2004et:


M76 (first LRGB I think...processing a bit harsh...):


M45 (RGB or LRGB - can't remember, through a TV pronto, hand focused, blatted during processing!):t


The Rosette (LRGB on same night, same result with the processing - Not a patch on the B/W version through my Tak with a HAlpha filter...):


And finally, an early one which I quite like: (NGC 2683 in B/W)


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  • 3 weeks later...


here my first one from Dec 2007. My AP addiction started with this photo.

4x30s unguided with Tak. FS102NSV @ f/8 + Nikon D70 + Orion SVP.

Glad I took it because since than I became a really addict to astronomy photography.




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This is my 1st DSO pic of Capella (slightly grainy), so go easy on me, taken with a SPC900N Webcam w/ ir filter @5fps coupled on a Meade 3x Barlow used with my new Skywatcher 200P.


sorry cleared the image up a bit:


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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Just finished fiddling with a SPC900 doing the SC1 mod.

Stuck it on my Meade 4504 114mm reflector (little more than a toy), struggled with the focussing and aiming (those CCD chips are very tiny!!) and was pleased to get find M42..

About 4 frames that weren't completely blurred (as my mount wobbles If I just look at it funny) of about 5 seconds were stacked in registax. Contrast and brightness tweaked in the Gimp..

I am soooooo pleased with this! Just wait until the missus gives me the okay for a real telescope!




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Hi Folks

Below is my first ever DSO, and while i do not think the final image has been worth all the processing i'm pretty pleased none-the-less. I have followed the Pete Lawrence guide in the December S@N to the letter, and found it to be a really good guide for rookies like me. I did have real probelms enhacing the image with the layer mask and gaussian blur, so the picture below is without these aids. Any help with these tools would be greatly appreciated. I did use them but could not seem to improve th picture much.

Equipment was Megrez 90, HEQ5, unmodded 400D and a 2" extension tube.

The subs (4x 10, 30, 60, 90 and 120seconds) were taken on Friday 6th Feb under very light- and moon-polluted skies, out the back garden in Glasgow. Occasional cloud which passed to clear skies. I loved the whole process of taking the shots - amazed at wat i could get even from a 10 sec sub. I took all darks and flats at the same time. Processing took most of saturday - really hassly job but fun too.

Thanks for looking - next stop M31 or M45!



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