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Let's see your 1st DSOs


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This is probably one of the first, M57 taken with an MX7C circa 2002, while trying to 'get to grips' with imaging and Star2000 self guiding.

I was probably quite 'chuffed' with it at the time :wink:



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What a fab thread...

Here's mine, luckily I got my DSLR for Christmas 2006, so my first target was one of the easiest to get results... namely M42... It's a composite of 3 jpg images 3 mins, 2 mins and 1 min as I had no clue what I was doing. (I lost my original single shots). When the first exposure of this nebula showed up on my LCD screen I was blown sideways, will never forget that moment.


Notice the fabulous natural colouring of the razer sharp pinpointy stars :wink::)

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Here's my first four (and only four, believe it or not the weather has been carp here since the 17th......), all taken on the 17th Feb. Minolta D7, 300 mil lens piggybacked on a C8N. All F5.6, 1600 ISO, 30 sec exposure.

The Double


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M45 a long way off


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M45 a bit closer


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The one thing I'm determined to get as my first 'good' DSO is M31. I've always been impressed with the monster.

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How about my first and, basically, only DSO :wink: 11 subs of 30s + 2 darks stacked in deepskystacker and tweaked in PS2. ISO 400. Helios ST 102 achro on EQ3 RA driven. the truly amazing snowball (as it is, not in this photo, of course :) ) THE M13 :) tam tadaam


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This was taken with a SC1 modified webcam with a 6" F5 OO Europa. On a HEQ5 mount.

Have no idea of exposures or processing...

I don't think this is the absolute first, but would have been within a week or two of starting and this is the first object ever imaged.

I can remember the feeling as the first frame appeared on the screen - I was like a dog with two tails...



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Here's another M42 - this is the sharp one!

Taken almost exactly a year ago in Feb 07 with the 8in LX10 SCT - looks like it was prime focus f10.

10sec @ iso800 Canon 20D DSLR single frame.

Good topic Martin!



Edited by markcol
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Been a bit long finding mine lol , back in 2003 i think when i realy started in a proper fashion ,not sure which comet this was , i know i took it with my SLR piggy backed on the c8 i think at the time , the moon image was A focal and one of my many done that way ,GOT IT COMET HYAKUTAKECheers



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As a lot of peoples' first DSO's are of M42, for the obvious reasons, here's mine.....

This was my first go at producing a colour image using a mono camera and filters

Alt-az 10" LX200

DSI pro

Meade filters

No FR (didn't know they existed at the time!)

I learned a lot from putting together this shot.....

You need an IR blocker :(....no, the glass in front of the chip isn't one, no matter what the manual seems to say :afro:

Find out what focal reducers are :D

Ditch the meade filters and get filters that are all IR blockers.

Rubbish isn't it :D

Focus sin't too bad though and....it was in colour....

I was pleased as punch at the time.....M42!!!!! :)



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Here are mine - April 2007, Watec camera, very short exposures (back when I thought a minute's worth of exposure was a long time :afro:)

Eskimo nebula


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Martyn

I think this is a great idea and it is funny how many people first take an image of M13. Here is my first effort with my old system of a Meade LX200 GPS 10" in altaz mode with f3.3 reducer and DSI pro monochrome 15 x 8 seconds using drizzle with the envisage software and (over)processed in Photoshop CS2, I really must try this again in the Summer.


Gordon :rolleyes:


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That's easy, I've only ever posted one :rolleyes:


It was actually a joint effort taken under Greg's dark sky.

Cygnus is in the upper right corner facing lower left. It is difficult to make out as the 4 min exposure recorded way too many stars.

Canon EOS D60/28-70 on HEQ5, 28mm, f4.5, 4mins at 200ASA, piggybacked.

HOW MANY?.....................

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I am going to wait until May to post my first DSO, so I can compare my M13 from last year (my first ever DSO) with the one I will hopefully take this year, weather permitting.

(Note: My East view is blocked, hence why I dont get to see M13 until May)

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