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Hello !!

After ordering my first telescope I found my way to this forum. At first I was very interested in the universe and the 'stars', but I always thought that it was too expensive and I didn't know enough to start 'astronomie' as a hobby. But after reading some books I realised I was wrong and it was possible! After some studie and poundering, I decided to order a 'Skywatcher 250 mm Dobson flextube GoTo' (which was a little over budget, but you only live once I guess  :smiley: ). Next week I will have my telescope and I'm very curious if I will be able to see some clear Deep Sky Objects, planets, ... 

Hope to get to know you all better and wish you all Clear Skies (which is hard in Belgium  :smiley: )!!

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Hi Leoanrd and welcome to the forum. You will most definitely be able to see plenty of Deep Sky Objects (DSO's) with your 250mm of aperture. It is a good size scope that is not too big and therefore cumbersome to move about and to set up, yet has sufficient aperture to be able to tease out those very fine details that make observing very satisfying. The biggest difference you can make to your discovery of those faint DSO's is to try and observe from a dark site as a larger mirror (light bucket :grin:) will also magnify the effects of light pollution that might filter into the area of sky under observation.

Clear skies and hope you enjoy your time here in the forum


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Hi, Leoanrd, and a warm welcome to SGL - and to the worlds of amateur astronomy! You are buying a great scope with the 250 Dob - the 'Go to' is an added bonus (I have the same scope, but without the 'go to'). With a mirror that size you will have few problems in seeing many of the deep sky objects and planets.  As JamesM suggested, the scope really comes into its in a dark location.

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Hello Leoanrd, and welcome to sgl. You have certainly bought yourself a very capable 'scope and it will give you very good views. 

There is a fantastic piece of free software called Stellarium that will show you what is in your sky at any time you choose.

Enjoy this wonderfully annoying, frustrating, awe inspiring and thrilling hobby that we call astronomy

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Hi Leoanrd and welcome to SGL, you certainly have purchased a scope with the capabilities of revealing much in the world of DSO, however, a really dark site is also essential to help bring out the finer detail, enjoy :)

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Thank you all for the warm welcome! I have browsed this forum and it is REALLY GREAT. 

Also thanks for the advice! But I'll need to travel a bit for the DSO I guess. I live in the northern part of Belgium where there is alot of Light Pollution.


The Stallarium program is also installed :) 

Hello! Welcome to the forum! Could you make a review of the telescope? First Views and such? Please 

@ PortugueseGazer; Next weekend my local shop wil deliver my telescope. Whene everything is installed I will definitely keep you posted about my first experiences and observations. Altough I'm sure it will be a bit frustating the first time with the GoTo system as I have read around this forum :) 

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Hi and welcome to SGL! Wow - what a first choice! Bet you can't wait to try it out. The thing I will say though without trying to be too presumptuous is not to worry if you stumble with it at first since it's your first scope :) I hear that it's a common beginner's issue, getting frustrated with the scope and giving up too easily. So my point is, rest assured that SGL is full of very friendly, very knowledgeable members who will be happy to help you pursue and I'm sure that lots of whom (including me) are very excited to hear what you think of the scope! Welcome to your new hobby! :) 

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