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Would I join a club that would have me as a member?


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Absolutely would & happy to be here. I've lurked about in the shade long enough, so here I is.

Checking in from the Orange Skies of London, howdy.

I am a 60 year old newly-'scoped learner at all this. In December last, I bought an Orion Starblast 4.5 (no sniggering at the back there, it's a damn fine little thing if you're new & broke!) to go with my binoculars - Revelation Astro 15x70, Helios Aquila 10x50 and Canon 8x23 & also a Meade 20-60x80 spotter (was surprised last week to find  that I could see Saturn + rings with that - was just about to dump it).

Finally starting to understand what I'm looking at and for...makes all the difference. Just got atlased-up, so now at least I can start up the warpdrive with some sense of direction. 

Saturn was & remains a total jaw-drop 'WOW' moment, as was Jupiter. Currently fascinated by that Coma Berenice cluster, and want to see Whatisname's Cascade....

Things I love: mountainbiking, frogs & toads , The Doors & The Dead, photography, HP Lovecraft, fountain pens, cocktails, books, Fireball XL5, Battle of the Little Bighorn....I could go on....

But enough about me - I am delighted to join this fine fellowship!

Thank you for having me.


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Thank you Gordon, Carole & Jim. I feel right at home anyplace where the XL5 theme is playing. Intrigued by your modified Canon, Carole. Do tell. I have a brood of Nikons, but I hope you won't hold that against me!

Wishing us all dark skies


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The Canon is the easiest DSLR to image with as so much software is written for Canon's, and I think there are issues modifying a Nikon, so if you decided to go into astrophotography, be warned.

The idea is that the IR filter excludes a lot of data in Astro-imaging, in particular stuff in the hydrogen alpha (Ha) wavelength, and so astro-imagers have their filter removed in order to capture better images.  Many of us have that replaced by a glass or Baader filter.  


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Hi Steve and welcome to SGL - Glad that you heaved yourself out of the shadows!! This is a great place to be, with masses of information and loads of friendly folks to get you going. If you have any questions then do ask.

Look forward to seeing you around :smiley:

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Welcome to the forum.  We shall excuse your fondness for frogs and toads (I have an agreement with my wife - she deals with the frogs and toads in the garden and I get rid of the spiders), but purely because I also have a fondness for fountain pens. 

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Hi Steve, Welcome to the BEST place for any questions you may have,concerning your New Hobby ;)

P.S  preferred  , Capt Scarlet,Joe 90, & Thunderbirds. but Fireball XL5 was pretty good, and ALL of them were better than the rubbish that's on Nowadays .  lol  :tongue:

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Hi Steve and welcome.

My patio area is gravelled and I'm often distrubed by the shuffling of a Bufo Bufo (yes i did know the latin without looking it up!) whilst I'm out observing. Always had a fascination with amphibians since I was a kid.

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