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Arduino Ascom focuser Mark2


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Motor mounted! Now I only have to wait for the slooow boat from China, containing my nano and easystepper :)

Great thread and inspiration, thanks all. I'll see if I can get it working with the easystepper



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Hi Patrik,

Nice connection to the beautiful MoonLite. But, the motor looks like a 4 pole, four wire stepper motor, which as you have stated will be driven by the Easy driver board. Correct me if I'm wrong but the present the AAF2 code does not support the easy driver. 

King regards


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Hi Patrik,

Nice connection to the beautiful MoonLite. But, the motor looks like a 4 pole, four wire stepper motor, which as you have stated will be driven by the Easy driver board. Correct me if I'm wrong but the present the AAF2 code does not support the easy driver. 

King regards


Thanks Steve

Yes, I'll have to update some code for it to work with the Easy Driver. But I think Dave stated earlier in this thread that it's just the Clockwise and AntiClockwise functions that needs some update, fingers crossed :)

I will also need to provide 12V to it


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Hi Patrik,

That's good news.  I'd like to make up an AFF2 auto focuser with the NEMA17  bipolar stepper motor as my existing AFF2 AF works with my WOStar71 but not my AA80 which has a beefier focuser. Another point 12v is on the upper limit of the Easy Driver.

I would put a 3 Watt - 15 ohm resister after the 12v input to lower the voltage to around 9v.


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Hi Patrik,

That's good news.  I'd like to make up an AFF2 auto focuser with the NEMA17  bipolar stepper motor as my existing AFF2 AF works with my WOStar71 but not my AA80 which has a beefier focuser. Another point 12v is on the upper limit of the Easy Driver.

I would put a 3 Watt - 15 ohm resister after the 12v input to lower the voltage to around 9v.


Thanks for the heads up, I don't want to burn more than one driver (ordered two :) )! If I remember correctly the EasyDriver can handle 7 - 20 V input, but will have to double check this.

I use a NEMA 17 stepper with a planetary gear (27:1).

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Rotary Encoder

InfraRed Controller

Push Buttons



ideas implemented and working on a different focuser, but not on AAF2, code and schematics there might help (be sure to give credit though if you intend to port these to AAF2)




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Hi, Re posts #751 and #752, I have implemented a rotary encoder for manual focus.

My focuser is based on one of the excellent Robert Brown designs rather than the AAF2 one but the details are probably still relevant. My build is based on an Arduino Nano, the CH340G, Rev. 3 type and the DRV8825 driver board. The Quadrature.h library is used to support the rotary encoder.

My manual focus uses a Bourns Optical Rotary Encoder (RE) to control manual focusing. Turning the encoder knob progressively increases (or decreases) the focus motor speed. Between forward (In) and reverse (Out) movements there is a 'Neutral' position.

Travel limits are set up using the Windows app.

If the focuser reaches the preset travel limits, the motor stops, a RED led lights and the buzzer sounds until the RE is moved back to 'Neutral'.

When the RE is in it's 'Neutral' position, a GREEN led lights.

The focuser position information is shown on the LED display after each movement.

This method of using a RE for manual focus is somewhat different to Robert Brown's. His way is to move the focuser a set distance, the actual distance being varied according to the RE position. I haven't tried Robert's method so I can't comment on it but my varying speed method gives a very smooth and intuitive way to manually focus. 

The rest of the software and all the hardware is exactly as per RB's design.

If anyone wants a copy of my code I am happy to provide it. Please PM me and I will send a copy.

Usual warnings, I am definitely not any sort of expert so I can't be a lot of help if it doesn't work for you!

Regards, Hugh
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  • 1 month later...

I read the thread and thought I will have a go at this as well. step one was ordering the parts which so far the only one to turn up was the Arduino nano.

so i thought i would plug it into the USB and see how I get on loading things up.

I was a little nervous as I am using a Microsoft surface running Windows 10!

however all is well with the world. the USB driver found itself when asked to search the interweb, the Arduino software connected via Com9 and allowed me to upload the sketch and library zip files with no problems.

AAF2test works a treat and so does the FocusAAF2! 

now the hard part to fit it all together with some hardware :)

brilliant work on the sketch Tekkydave well done

also note I have yet to find any software that doesnt run on WIndows 10 all of the ascom stuff works, Cartes du ciel,  PHD2 and backyard Nikon all as good as gold and deepsky stacker flies!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Dave,

I am (almost) afraid to ask: Did you have a chance/time to look at the trace files I had sent earlier? There appear to be some "halt" commands and "isMoving" replies in the case of SG-Pro operation that do not appear in the trace files from your own code(s).

I still have the same problems - controlling the focuser from SG-Pro does not seem to work reliably. I think that I observed that in the beginning the focuser moves, but then SG-Pro does not even display the poition anymore (it stays stuck in the first position it had read when initializing).

Is there something I could do on my end to help you figuring out what is going on/wrong (for example a simple test for focuser movement in a) FocusAAF2 and B) in SG-Pro)?  I tried to understand the ASCOM driver (developer) part, but I got lost in the many details of the code.

I really would like to get AAF2 working together with SG-Pro (again, since it used to work fine a few weeks ago before the AAF2 upgrades from V2.3 to 2.4), because then I can just choose a filter, and SG-Pro would adjust the focuser position automatically. Also autofocusing, even  with temperature compensation would be possible.

Please let me know how I could help!

Thanks in advance,


I have been having the same problem with the focuser in sgpro,also the tem drops out  when the focuser moves and does not come back.

I switched to poth hub instead of aaf2 and it solved the problem.

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Hi, I'm not spending any more time on the focuser at the moment as I have too many other projects that take up my time. I wanted to put it in the public domain so others could use it as a basis for their own projects. Maybe when I retire (over 2 yrs away) I might pick it up again. I have also put off any astronomy activity until then for the same reason. Sorry.

Can anyone else using sg-pro offer any suggestions?

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I have been having the same problem with the focuser in sgpro,also the tem drops out  when the focuser moves and does not come back.

I switched to poth hub instead of aaf2 and it solved the problem.

Dave i think you have misunderstood my post,this is the solution to anyone having trouble with the aaf2 and sgpro ie select poth hub in sgpro for the focuser and it will work fine.

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Dave i think you have misunderstood my post,this is the solution to anyone having trouble with the aaf2 and sgpro ie select poth hub in sgpro for the focuser and it will work fine.

Yes, you're right - I misread it. Sorry about that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Am going to be putting one of these together and going through the part list that is on the sourceforge page and was wondering if one of these boards would be suitable for the project?

This would help to make it a whole lot cheaper to build.


That should be fine. It's a clone I think but looks ok.

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Cheers for the speedy info dave.....one being ordered now.

Also noticed that the link for the timing belt was giving a 404 error.  Did find an MXL025 page on there, and went for an 88 tooth belt.  Hopefully that will be long enough for my needs.  No great shakes if it isnt...will jet get one that is

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