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Is it just me?


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...Or does anybody else get down, almost depressed, when the sky has been cloudy for weeks? There hasn't been a good break in the clouds over my house for around 2 weeks now and I'm really missing looking through an eyepiece at the marvellous sights on offer. I'm actually emotionally down as I haven't been able to observe for too long :(

Woe is me. Some give me a cuddle?

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The best thing about "down time " is getting ready and the anticipation of a session.

I use the opportunity to make a list of targets, charts and notes. Also time to check out your power source, ensure batteries are charged. Time to check your mount, any looseness ?

Plenty time to read up on targets to understand a bit about what you're seeing.

Then enjoy those

Clear skies,


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The wonder of the night sky's not going anywhere soon , it'll all still be there next time it clears ... chin up ....  :laugh:

Except it will.  Another couple of weeks and it'll be another almost full moon in the evenings, washing out the view of anything remotely interesting.  And like last time, by the time it goes away, it'll go cloudy again.

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Except it will.  Another couple of weeks and it'll be another almost full moon in the evenings, washing out the view of anything remotely interesting.  And like last time, by the time it goes away, it'll go cloudy again.

Best you start on the Lunar 100 then ...  :p

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The night sky is not going anywhere any time soon. Patience is a virtue. Sure it gets depressing when the weather doesnt play ball, but we cant control the weather, so its not worth worrying about.

Astronomy doesnt mean you have to be out each and every clear night, we all have other stuff going on in our lives.

Its a hobby,not a career.

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Cows are just inherently curious and will always wander along to see what's happening.

The only time I had a bit of a start was one evening sitting at the PC with the kitchen windows open when one poked its head in. It seemed that the fence was broken and the whole herd were grazing my back lawn!

Causing much cursing from the farmer and much libation after we got things under control.

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It's all very well saying the stars will still be there, but I missed the last supernova due to an interfering tree. By the time it would have been do-able for imaging from my garden it had dropped below where I could reach.

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