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Hi stargazing friends. I'm a total newb!


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Hi everyone.

I am totally new to this and am quite excited to have found such a cool forum. I've always loved looking at the stars, but have never really taken the time to learn much about astronomy. The only bit of kit I have is a pair of binoculars lol ..... but you've got to start somewhere!

I'm really looking forward to learning about astronomy and researching into what kind of telescope to buy. I know I have a lot of reading to do!

I don't really want to spend much money at this stage, so am wondering if I should buy a new scope or maybe I can find something good second hand. Something small and portable would be good as I would like to be able to take it out and about, and I don't really have the space for anything large.

Right, i'm off to do some reading.

Hope you all have a great day x x x

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:hello:  Hi.  Welcome to SGL.

'Left Turn at Orion' is a highly recommended guide book for binoculars and telescopes. 

There's a regular poster from Dorset called Binocularsky - he has a good bino website.  

And of course there's the 'observing with binoculars' thread.

Have fun, clear skies!


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Definitely do not buy a telescope until you have done more research into what each type will do. Think carefully about what you want to achieve in the short and long terms otherwise you will find yourself buying a scope which you will quickly grow out of (I speak from experience). There is lots of info/advise here so use it to your benefit.


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Welcome to SGL and, hey, don't put yourself down because of your binoculars. There are many people who prefer to observe using binos, and you certainly shouldn't rush into anything. Get a feel for things first, download Stellarium (free) as a really useful guide - and enjoy!

All the best


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Hello and welcome!

Binoculars are a great way to begin learning the sky and will show you much more than your eyes alone. Some good suggestions for Turn Left at Orion and for downloading Stellarium. Do you have a local astro society? If so, go along to an observing session and you will be able to see a range of different telescopes and talk to some more experienced observers. 

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Thanks guys :smiley:

You're advice is much appreciated.

For some reason I had decided that a scope was the only way to go, but now you've made me realise that binoculars aren't actually that bad and will certainly serve me well enough until I have researched more into the various telescope options. Afterall, there's no rush!

Arghhhhh, so much reading to do :eek:

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction x x x

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Where about in Devon?
There are a few clubs down there and one may be close.

The main (I thjink) one being at Sidmouth NLO, up some damn big hill.

I think they meet weekly.

Good way to see the equipment used.

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Where about in Devon?

There are a few clubs down there and one may be close.

The main (I thjink) one being at Sidmouth NLO, up some damn big hill.

I think they meet weekly.

Good way to see the equipment used.

I'm actually about to move to West Dorset, so i'll have a quick google and see if I can find some local clubs there. For the time being i'm happy to just make use of all the help/advice/info on here. Such a great site! :smiley:

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Some astro objects are far better seen in binoculars. Just get a decent stand for them and save yourself some arm ache!

Welcome to SGL.

I've just been given a good light weight telescopic tripod, so i'm pretty set for some ache free stargazing! :smiley:

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Welcome from well north of you.

You've come to the right place for advice.

And you're right about reading - it's imperative, even though some of it will drive you daft.

Most important, as others have written, enjoy!

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