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Your MAIN TELESCOPE, and did You NAME it ?

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  • 2 weeks later...

A farmer friend of mine happened to pass by in his pony and trap earlier today as I was observing the Moon with the new 200P on this lovely Sunday afternoon around 4pm, with the sun warming my back and a cold beer on my 'Astro-Table'.

Having parked the horse 'thingy' in a shady spot in the old apple orchard he ambled over and......

promptly pointed to the scope and exclaimed "Oh La Vache!"

So as for naming, he did it, I shall now know this scope as "La Vache", which does not readily translate from a sentiment  aspect. (The Cow). ((polite translation Oh My Gosh or FuMe depending on circumstances)).

Needless to say, I offered suitable refreshment and then continued to have him observe the Moon for his very first time.

French expletives were outstanding as he saw detail and WOW'd and AWE'd.

So, 'La Vache' has been Christened, and Anglo-Breton relations continue to be cemented together.

And a great sunny daylight Moon observation session was had.



Great! I do love a good daytime moon :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nahhh Big Blue is a bit of a legend, you can't do that, its like changing the name of a boat

I agree, I cant think of another name anyway lol , joking apart, you are correct.

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  • 2 months later...

A farmer friend of mine happened to pass by in his pony and trap earlier today as I was observing the Moon with the new 200P on this lovely Sunday afternoon around 4pm, with the sun warming my back and a cold beer on my 'Astro-Table'.

Having parked the horse 'thingy' in a shady spot in the old apple orchard he ambled over and......

promptly pointed to the scope and exclaimed "Oh La Vache!"

So as for naming, he did it, I shall now know this scope as "La Vache", which does not readily translate from a sentiment  aspect. (The Cow). ((polite translation Oh My Gosh or FuMe depending on circumstances)).

Needless to say, I offered suitable refreshment and then continued to have him observe the Moon for his very first time.

French expletives were outstanding as he saw detail and WOW'd and AWE'd.

So, 'La Vache' has been Christened, and Anglo-Breton relations continue to be cemented together.

And a great sunny daylight Moon observation session was had.



Strangely my local farmer thought mine was the Russian president, he said "Monsieur, Put*in". 

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My 10" f14.6 Mak-Cass has two names. Originally it was Munch because it screams on the planets. My wife always refers to it as my Mistress and that's the name that stuck. Less corny, too.

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My main scope is a Celestron 8se named Mick.I named it after Michael.h.f.wilkinson, the guy who convinced me to buy it as it would be great for me being in a wheelchair because of its large aperture and light weight.

I'm not sure why people like this comment, but you do. I'm guessing its liked because it is one SGL member (able-bodied) really helping another member (disabled) to have the right scope that REALLY works for me. I'm Irish, and the nickname for anyone called Michael is "Mick", just like Patrick becomes "Paddy". 

I dont actualy refer to my 8se as "Mick", but thats its name and when i use it, i do think of Michael and silently thank him.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I can now confirm that my latest scope does now indeed have a name, it official and has been adopted by the family. So what is it.... It's Olivia, that's as in Olivia NEWTON John. Yes I know, I know, but it's stuck now, so Olivia it is.

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My main telescope is a Takahashi Epsilon 180 ED, which has somehow become known as the Bananascope.  This name reflects its name, and I hope does not reflect on its orthogonality.

Heh.  Reflect.  Wish that was on purpose.

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I refer to mine as 'The Big One' & 'The Little One',  that way my Girlfriend knows if I am going to be some time.   Needless to say anymore on it but i will elaborate:

If I say 'I'm getting the big one out' (nothing vulgar intended here) it basically means I am going out.....I may be some time. 

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