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Obligatory "Arrr".

Where might I lay my mitts on an eyepatch suitable for observing? Parrot optional. I've just no idea where to try. In fact, I've more of a clue about finding a parrot.

And does anyone have any recommendations/other info?

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This is what I did.

I went to a joke/toy shop and purchased something similar to this: Silk Patch or this: Eyepatch.

With much trial and error I have found this kind of patch to be the best. They're made of hard card instead of horrid plastic or loose fitting cloth, they're covered in a gentle material that doesn't irritate the skin or eye and there's that little dimple in the centre which is perfect when it comes to the following modification. I feel the modification is necessary for a patch on its own, as seen in the picture, doesn't completely cover the eye and so allows for stray light or stray image to enter the eye from below or the side. I also find it extremely useful to have the eye open within the patch itself, this I feel helps with tweaking out greater detail, so I needed something a little bigger and softer to cushion and cover the patch whilst still following the great design of the patch itself.

So I went to a local Chinese shop. Many Chinese in Spain have shops which sell loads of bits and pieces for around €1 and bought myself one of these: Sleeping Eye Mask. These sleeping masks are great because they're well padded and again come with nice soft material.

I cut out one half of the sleeping mask and literally sowed it to the patch itself, exaggerating the patch's dimple just a little so my eye would be snuggly cushioned within the patch, without any stress to the eye or eye muscles and yet still remaining relatively open. I also cut of the original eye patch's elastic band and fitted a more durable and thicker one.

And here is one such result:


The whole thing cost me no more than a couple of €s and about 20 minutes work but is quite seriously one of the most useful bits of non-optic astro gear I own. This particular eyepatch in the picture is at least two years old and still running well. I use it almost everyday.

I have made myself another since the original and use this for the other eye, the seeing eye. When I move away from the eyepiece to have a break, I simply flip down the second eye patch and need not worry about LP, stray light etc.

I feel everyone should invest in a decent - homemade - eyepatch. It beats straining the eye with winking and for me, is a lot more comfortable and practicle than pulling a hat over the side of the face etc. They also allow you to keep the eye relatively open within the patch's socket without any strain or damage what-so-ever :icon_pirat: .

- - - - - - -

P.S: Who would have ever thought that grown men would be discussing stuff like this; it's brilliant :grin:

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I have a large heavy thick bobble hat. By carefully pulling down the rim which is normally an attractive band of excess material, I can cover one eye. This keeps it open and a quick adjustment upwards brings returns stereo, useful for going down garden steps at night.

I have started keeping both eyes open when observing. It works much better than screwing your other eye closed and confusing the brain. This has been an enormous benefit in spotting planetary details otherwise missed,


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Agreed - when I first bought a patch (local chemists) I thought that its main use would be in preserving dark adaption. However, I find it more useful to cover the eye that up you don''t use, as Nick suggests.

I remember when my astigmatism first became obvious and it was much worse in one eye, my mum was convinced that it was caused by my screwing it shut when peering through the scope that I had! You have been warned!

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Thanks guys - I'll try Boots I think, though I think the idea of making one out of a sleep mask it a good one. I have loads of those things kicking around the flat. I'm just a bit worried about the "Mad-Max Pirate" vibe I get from Qualia's....

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That's scary! Does it put passers by off

Ah yes, I remember coming inside one cold night, wearing my many many layers (forty coats for anyone who knows him!), gloves, open faced balaclava, red head torch, and eye patch. My wife turned away from the telly to speak, saw me, and was incredulous. No words left her mouth and I could almost hear the awe and confusion in her mind.

Wonderful moment.

It might have been then that she realised the man she married was gone.....


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Ah yes, I remember coming inside one cold night, wearing my many many layers (forty coats for anyone who knows him!), gloves, open faced balaclava, red head torch, and eye patch. My wife turned away from the telly to speak, saw me, and was incredulous. No words left her mouth and I could almost hear the awe and confusion in her mind.

Wonderful moment.

It might have been then that she realised the man she married was gone.....



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Barry, those fifty pockets you have in your forty coats must be very handy for keeping your EP collection in.

Problem is Paul, it's a bit like Stallone and co., I can't bring my arms down to my side (except for me it's all the layers, not muscle) !! :)


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 No words left her mouth and I could almost hear the awe and confusion in her mind.

Wonderful moment.


Well there's always a first time for everything. 

Being serious I bought mine from the local chemist and reckon it's the cheapest upgrade I'm ever likely to have.

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I bought 'the last one in stock' branded Portia (black patch lined with green) from Boots for £1.44 last autumn. Returned recently for another and they confirmed that their wholesale department was still out of stock. Tried an independent local pharmacy which had lots of the same Portia product for £1.99.

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