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A Noob...( not sure about that ?)


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Hello all, I'm Pete from Torbay Devon ..in the UK. I am waiting for the delivery of my New scope which is a Seben "Big Boss" 130/ 1400 with a drive. This is winging it's way across the North Sea from Germany as I type this !....This is not the first scope I have owned, but its been over 35-40 years since I owned a 60mm refractor so I am going to be a but "Rusty" to say the least.

My first scope was bought with the purpose of attaching my trusty old Fujica SLR to this so I could take some close up shots of the moon, but as I found out to my disappointment the adaptor cost about the equivalent of 3 weeks wages at the time so it NEVER happened :mad: . I started to slowly lose interest in the scope as the quality was not brilliant and Music and marriied life started to fill my life so the scope and Camera were neglected until they were sold.I neve lost interest in Astronomy or Photography though....and about 3 years ago bought my first DSLR a Canon 450D . This has now been upgraded to a 650D . Just out of curiosity I stared to look around Flickr for Moon shots as this is still my favourite object. Thats when I saw some STUNNING shots of the major planets and galaxies .....I would love to do this I thought , so started to look for a "New Scope" I only had a budget of £250 and thought that this would buy me nothing but a Toy scope. as when I first bought my 60mm Refractor this cost me £80 and I was taking home about £25 a week at the time !!!! I was amazed at the stuff that was available within my price range ....Ebay is a good source... being mostly collection only was a big put-off for me . So I hope that the "Big Boss" was a good choice, The moon and Planets is my aim for now

I might even dabble in some of the "Easier" stuff Orion nebula , Andromeda etc..Hope I havn't bored you guys too much ......Cheers Pete                                        

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Welcome Pete,

Think you will have a lot of fun with the scope. you could try some basic Afocal (Eyepiece projection) photography first.  Have a look at the imaging sections for further information.

Wish you luck

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Welcome to SGL Pete - Glad that you found us, there sure are some knowledgeable folks about. My only bit of imaging advice would be that just because Andromeda and the Orion Neb are big, don't think they are easiest. Because of their high dynamic range they are probably the hardest images of all :grin:

Look forward to seeing you around :smiley:

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Welcome to SGL Pete - Glad that you found us, there sure are some knowledgeable folks about. My only bit of imaging advice would be that just because Andromeda and the Orion Neb are big, don't think they are easiest. Because of their high dynamic range they are probably the hardest images of all :grin:

Look forward to seeing you around :smiley:

Hi ..When I meant "Easy" I meant easy to find lol....I dont expect an easy ride , just looking forwards to learning all I can about Astrophotography

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Thanks to everyone for the warm welcome , I have enjoyed looking at the links and photo's that you have pointed me to...just a bit Nervous about the reviews that My "Big-Boss" has had on the net ....apparantley it is either a very good and opticaly sound scope ..or a very expensive doorstop as it is virtually impossible to collinate???? .so it's acase of suck it and see ...watch this Space if you will pardon the pun ....cheers all Pete :ohmy:

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