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Hi Another new member


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Hi, I am Paul, I am new here (obviously) and over the years have tried to get into stargazing, my problem cheap equipment and little knowledge. I am hopeless lost by the stars as for my whole life and I am now middle ages I walk round looking up.

I never lose the fascination with the night sky and as an offshore sailor in the past I have seen some beauties. I remember sailing back form The Lebanon and saw Hale Bopp for the first time it was 2 in the morning and I woke all the crew up to find that not every one is as fascinated with the heavens as me.

So why cant I get into stargazing?  well I do but without a scope, in the past I suspect that lack of knowledge of the equipment and shoddy stuff has always led me back to just looking up.

So having access to like minds with knowledge is a godsend. I am looking forward to trying again and any advice is most gratefully welcome.

Nice to meet you all and look forward to reading about this most fascinating and mysterious of subjects.

By the way I am a Aquarius   -- That was a joke!!

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Hi Paul and welcome to SGL. Just about anything and everything you need to know about Astro stuff you will find on here - just ask and someone will either have already had the experience to share with you, or point you in the right direction to help you.

Happy Stargazing and enjoy your Astro journey.

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Welcome to SGL Paul - Perhaps you could download the planetarium programme Stellarium, that will really help you to learn the sky. Also the book 'Turn Left at Orion' and a pair of binoculars would really get you going.

Look forward to seeing you around and good luck :smiley:

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