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Hello, I'm Iksobarg, from Frankfurt, Germany!


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Hello from Frankfurt, Germany!
I'm first and foremost a budding amateur photographer who has contemplated and tried to get my head to grasp the heavens. I love Carl Sagan, his books and the his signature series, "Cosmos," although I didn't watch it all. I love space. I love space so much I look for an try to play space games. The only one I have time for is Eve-Online right now.
I love sci-fi except for the really crappy stuff.
I love space. I love the fact that the more we answers we get from the science of space the more questions abound.
I'm ok with not ever knowing the answer, the answer to our most important question. For me it is the journey and journey our most advanced researchers and scientists take to learn along the way.
I think that's it for now.
Thanks for having me here. It's kinda of honor really. I look forward to learning and sharing about this awesome universe we live in.

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Welcome to SGL :) 

Eve Online is a great game you should also look into Kerbal Space Program.  Its pretty much the only decent space simulator out there at the moment.

You should head on down to the imaging section and look through some of the members Astrophotography pictures mybe it will take your fancy.

See you around.


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Thank you, thank you and thank you. It's truly a pleasure to be here!

I'm a bit late as I recall visiting this page early this year or late last year, 2012.

Oh well! I must have been really busy! I gotta say better late than never!!

Also, Happy Holidays!!

I'm currently looking for a stargazing companion of the refractor persuasion! I will prolly be reading through this site into the new year.

Again, thanks for the welcome!

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Welcoma aboard!


I lived a bit in Frankfurt, still visit family there, a lot of light pollution :-( Planets where allways nice to view though. Further north now, finaly darker skies.

I LOVE scifi, especially the crappy stuff from years back... Fake alien costumes, funny special effects... Best comedy there is :-)

Clear sky, merry christmas!

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