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Jup 10th and 11th


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Back from my trip to Scotland so finally got a chance to post my pics from 10th and 11th.

This is from the morning of the 10th. 30fps with each AVI being 3mins. Stacked in AS!2, wavelets in R6, joined in WinJupos. Didn't turn out quite as well as I had hoped and I've tried a slightly different colour balance that doesn't quite look right. It's always nice to get a shot of the GRS though. I think my shot of "the boring side" is the better of the two, which I will post in a few mins.

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This is the shot from the morning of the 11th. Think this is an improvement on the 10th. Same basic processing but I think this has some finer detail and I prefer the colour balance. It was also nice to see some detail come out on "red spot junior"

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Excellent images Freddie & difficult to pick. Perhaps the second one does indeed  just shade it.

                         Best regards,


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Back from my trip to Scotland so finally got a chance to post my pics from 10th and 11th.

This is from the morning of the 10th. 30fps with each AVI being 3mins. Stacked in AS!2, wavelets in R6, joined in WinJupos. Didn't turn out quite as well as I had hoped and I've tried a slightly different colour balance that doesn't quite look right. It's always nice to get a shot of the GRS though. I think my shot of "the boring side" is the better of the two, which I will post in a few mins.

Lovely!... can you tell me what AVI 3 minutes means please.

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Thanks guys.

Will, I use a 4x Televue powermate to increase from F10 to F40 which gives a 9.4m FL

Keith, 3 min AVI is the duration of the AVI file capture that holds the individual frames that are then stacked and processed. Capturing at 30fps, the AVI holds 5400 frames and I tend to stack the best ~1600 of these.

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Thanks guys.

Will, I use a 4x Televue powermate to increase from F10 to F40 which gives a 9.4m FL

Thanks Freddie, good to know. I have a 2x Powermate which I think is a great bit of kit but doesn't get much use on my current scope - good to see the 4x is every bit as good (if not better).


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