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What has the BBC done to the Sky at Night Now!! A new presenter!


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Me thinks SGL should produce its own monthly video magazine :)

With the talents gathered herein it would be broadcast quality!

I'll give that idea for free but don't expect me to help. I don't have a camera and I'm chronically camera shy. No use either side :D

I'm an amateur film-maker with a digital cinema camera, so...

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I would be happy to make short vids on small mods and tips as I do them.

perhaps people could send in short vids of astro holidays  - many compact cameras do hd video these days -

or u could get some professional input eg ideas for content from university astronomers who run/participate

in local astro societies?

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Have to admit i had never heard of her. But found her on You Tube, she'll do just fine.

Shame the BBC have already banished S@N to BBC4 only. I haven't seen its time slot yet but if its the back end of nowhere, then i guess the BBC won't be expecting this to be a long term thing. Have a horrible feeling this will go the way of Time Team. Once C4 messed with the format and presenters the show nose dived and was cancelled one season later.

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Have to admit i had never heard of her. But found her on You Tube, she'll do just fine.

Shame the BBC have already banished S@N to BBC4 only. I haven't seen its time slot yet but if its the back end of nowhere, then i guess the BBC won't be expecting this to be a long term thing. Have a horrible feeling this will go the way of Time Team. Once C4 messed with the format and presenters the show nose dived and was cancelled one season later.

Up until now it's been 7:30pm.  I have been wondering if they'll change the time now it is BBC4 only.


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Wow did a presenter choice ever cause such a marmite reaction. I am with the "she is so annoying" brigade, I will give her a chance but find her delivery at times is almost condescending in tone.

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Think I'll stick with the Sky at Night if that's OK ...  :p

Watching amateur video footage of other peoples holidays . . . . Oh the horror ... !!!

i know where ur coming from but i was thinking of heavily edited footage just

to show people what the place is like - perhaps u could provide a pdf sheet with 

basic principle of how to take footage which at least doesn't look too  amateurish 

its not rocket science - millions are doing it these days.

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Another Pro for Maggie here. 

Great personality with lots of experience & a bit whacky as well, loved the doc " Do we need the Moon " both interesting & entertaining.

On a side note, what ever happened to Heather Cooper  ?. Didn't she start working for NASA.

She's done some great Docs for the Horizon series over the past years.

She'd have been a good candidate.

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It remains to be seen how much of what she says will be intelligent information and how much will be condescending twaddle that the producer/director/scriptwriter instruct her to say?  If it’s just reading an autocue, Joe Grundy from the Archers would be as good. 

If she’s allowed to discuss and explain things from her own point of view and using her intelligence and experience that would be great.  I have no idea who she is or what her style is, but anyone with a physics degree and a masters should be able to deliver a good story, even if they aren’t initially a TV personality in the Blue Peter style.   

But please, no more Brian Cox, Dara O’Brien “we’re-lads-because-we-drink-on-TV-to-show-we’re-cool-and-we-giggle-a-lot” TV.

I, for one,  am fed up all with these docu-dramas where the only way the BBC think they can explain a point is to get some actors in period dress to ‘relive’ the historical event.  Did anyone see the could-have-been-excellent Pompeii programme that was ruined by this over-dramatisisation?

Please, BBC, stop appealing to the masses, give me interesting, informative TV that teaches me something, without wasting time. I, for one welcome her and hope she will help do that.

Time will tell.

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For me I think the crucial thing is the content of the program. If the BBC have gone the 'we need to make science more accessible' route which is double speak for we think science it too hard so we've dumbed it down, then I think the sky at night is doomed regardless of who presents it. You would hope that there is room to cater for what is perhaps seen as minority programming such as a science based program that doesn't have to be presented in single syllable words.

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Knowledge and enthusiasm are fine and to be welcomed, but the overly dramatic stylised delivery that comes from the 'presenter school' training is a disaster. Just take a look at any news programme and watch the overacting that the reporters produce as they exaggerate their way through a report.

Unfortunately, this new presenter shows this trait in an extreme manner.

I hope she tones it down otherwise I will be reaching for the off button.

Sent from my Hudl HT7S3 using Tapatalk

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I am appalled at the hostility so many of you are showing to this new presenter - and to the S@N. She hasn't done a single show so you have no basis for making these baseless personal attacks on her. I wonder if the real reason is because she's female and black.

Patrick Moore is dead.  You can't have him back.


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I wonder if the real reason is because she's female and black.

If you're going to accuse someone of sexism or racism then I'd suggest you should be speaking privately to the moderators rather than posting here.  If you have no real evidence for making such an accusation then I'd suggest it might be best to withdraw such a comment.

I think it might be time to close this thread.


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OK Guys that is quite enough of that sort of talk we are close to sexism and racism now which are not allowed on this forum so this thread is now being locked.

DO NOT start a thread on this subject again please until after the show has restarted and only then with accurate and considered comment.

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