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New Kid on the Block!


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Hi everybody, My name is Gerald.

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!  This is my first post and I am completely new to Stargazers Lounge. I am just getting started in astronomy and purchased a LS 6" Meade telescope. Today I am having a little buyer's remorse since this will be my major purchase for awhile in my new hobby. 

Let me tell you a little bit about myself: I am semi-retired, I've been married 47 years, very church active, kids all grown up, traveled the world, missionaries in Africa for a decade, have a love for photography and science, and I am excited about astronomy. Right now I am finding out that the Meade telescope that I bought was set up on a Windows 32 bit program (I have Windows 7 with 64 bit) using a mini SD card (you can't buy mini SD cards in the store anymore). Are there any up-to-date SCT telescopes out there on the market?  I would like to understand how I can use my laptop computer to view what I am seeing through the eye piece. I am also thinking that I need to invest in a EQ mount for my LS 6" telescope so I can track the planets and stars more easily. If anybody has any advise, I would sincerely appreciate it.  Thanks.  Looking forward to being a part of the community. 

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Welcome to SGL Gerald - Glad that you found us, this places is a mine of information. You may be better asking the specific question in the right section, as the people that will know the answers won't necessarily look in the 'welcome section'. I'm sure we can get to the bottom of it soon!

Look forward to seeing you around :smiley:

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  • 2 weeks later...

As Sara says, probably best to post the question in one of the other areas on here...

I don't know too much about Meade scopes - but why does it matter what computer it was set up on?  Also what's the significance of the miniSD card?  I'm curious!

In order to see what your scope is seeing on the computer, you'll need some kind of camera to use in place of the eyepiece.  For bright things like the planets and the moon you can get good results relatively inexpensively using a webcam.

Hope you get the answers to your questions!

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Welcome to the lounge.

Don't know much about mead telescopes.

Suggest you repost specific questions in the equipment section.

If you go onto Meade website you should be able to find Windows 7 drivers. If they don't have them I suggest you install a virtual machine onto your pc with XP on it. VMWARE is a good free way to do this. You still going to need a old XP install disk. (eBay)

Dark Skies

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