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Well it's the sort of place, it's hard to log out from, the people are brilliant, and it even got me to write a poem for the first time in 40 years!

Sorry about that by the way, I think it completely killed the thread . . . . :)

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im not gonna say anything bad, this site is amazing for me - for a person that loves to learn everything reading through all it is a great site however one thing.

I think the new thread should be on main page and the a toolbar to shoose where you want to place it. just think it might make it easier.

Other than that it is a great website. makes astronomy more fun having somewhere to share everything and for me. somewhere to come back and ask all questions whether they should come easily to some.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would just like to thank the good folks here for their sound advice and encouragement, I've been hanging around for several months, just trying to learn from all those years of collective experiences :evil6:

I have now purchased my Dobsonian 150 p - so easy to set up and get going.

Had my first night observing on Friday - Waxing Crescent moon completely filled by EP at the standard 25mm - gave it a closer look with the 10mm - really impressive.

I then headed off for a nice easy target - thanks to Stellarium and Turn left at Orion - The Orion Nebula, even managed to see the Trapezium with the 10mm eyepiece - then had a closer look with a 6mm that I had purchased as an extra.

I didn't want to overdo it all on the first night so I just kept to the two targets - but had 4 hours totally cloud free observing - awesome :eek:

Edited by Lincoln
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Hi I've been a member for 3 months here or there this is a great site it's got everything a beginner needs + sometimes you get a good laught.

Sitting at the computer and talking to folk about your hobby can be a great wind down after a day's work.

Well done stargazers keep up the good work.

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i joined this forum about 3 or 4 weeks ago now and I have to say I love it, i've learned so much in so little time. The forum has some of the most helpful people i've ever met online and really helped me choose my 1st scope and any advice I needed afterwards. I moderate on myp2p forum which is a sports streaming forum but I have been neglecting it late of an evening when i'm less needed to hang out here.

Top forum top people top hobby

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  • 1 month later...

can some one help me i just really started astronomy and all i see is stars night after night no planets, as ive always wanted to see, i got 2 scopes one the skywatcher 114pm wich is supposed to be a good scope but seen nothing interesting as yet. my other scope is the celestron nextstar 102 SLT computerised, lined it up great, want to see planets not so great all i see is clusters, any one advise me what im doing wrong read al the instructions still nothing, im really interested in astronomy but getting a little fedup, tonight for exsample clear night and nothing but stars through my scope,s help... some one, john reguards

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this site is quality and i did alot of searching around. good setout and easy to navigate and also the members seem really friendly and helpful. still not got a scope but am getting the help before i rush out and get one. again well done on a great site and thanks for the services i get from it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

this is brilliant site i have just bought and 8 inch dob skywatcher for 150 pounds deliverd to my door and set up for me the people on here are so nice the world needs more people like this!

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I think I joined around Oct/Nov time last year - so still "sorta" new.

Apart from all the good and friendly advice I've received, that people have mentioned above and with which I am in total agreement, a particularly nice feature of the forum is the "Communities" section.

My local astro soc - whilst brilliant for talks and theory etc - are a bit poor on observing, which is what it's all about when you get a new scope.

Through the Communities section here, I joined a local group of SGL'rs, we all searched for a month or two and eventually found a dark(ish) site and all chipped in to rent it during the night (£25pa each).

This has given me the opportunity to make new friends and share the hobby with local like minded folk and as such, has been invaluable. We have regular sessions when the weather permits, and are arranging to meet up at star parties on group pitches, and attend other astro events.

Conclusion - Terrific forum - really promotes the hobby very nicely - and has saved me a packet in the "For Sale" section too. :D

Edited by brantuk
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  • 2 weeks later...

Just thought I would say that this forum is amazing. Everyone is so friendly and helpful.

Im on the verge of getting my first serious purchase and members have been so helpful and instrumental in that.

I dont think there is any thing I would change at present and just want to say a big thankyou to all :-)

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I have been around on here for just a few weeks, bought my first scope with advise from here, then bought another scope from the buy and sell section from here. Nothing but friendly advise and its good to see all the members genuinely care about this hobby/pastime. Its a nice place to be, so much so I often find myself reading posts I dont really know anything about.

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Hi All,

Just joined site as advised by Brett :-) looking at a few of the comments he was right that it's a friendly place :-)

I'm getting into astronomy really because of my son, who's expressed on interest in it. It's good he's expressed this as normally he's sat in front of the TV or on his Xbox.

I've been out & bought what I've been advised is a good starter scope (although reading one of the posts here it advises against buying anything immediately, but hey-ho, I've got it now).

I've bought a Skywatcher Explorer 130p AZ goto, hopefully making it easier to work with, with the boy. I got it from Steve at FLO, who was very nice (although he's got a v.bad cold at the moment) & it came the next day, so top marks to FLO's for service :-)

I'm looking to set it up tonight (hoping sky around Leics is clearish).

Any hints/tips about setup would be greatly appreciated.

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i joined last month, and this has become one of the most frequent sites i visit. the guys here are really helpful.

there is one thing i need to know.

why the current location of the poster is not shown in the info box in his/her post?

most forums have that feature, and i guess this forum needs it most since advice on astronomy is given based on your location. it is difficult to watch the profile each time.

i think most of the members are from UK, but as the forum grows (currently more than 7000 members) there are many people from outside UK. it would be good to know from where a member is watching the sky.

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This place is a wealth of information and friendly folk.

I have had all my questions answered very quickly and thoroughly. Answers to a lot of what I had to ask is already found using the search function, so I've learnt A LOT without even asking.

Really good to be here. No negative feedback at all.

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I think what people have to say about the products that they own and the experiences that they have had in various situations is invaluable. This forum is a fountain of helpful friendly hands on practical reviews, tips and advice that you just can not get anywhere else, it has done nothing but good for me and helped me so much with developing my interest in astronomy. I am glad to be a part of it :D

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Hi there!

Would again like to confirm my appreciation for all those responsible for an excellent site. Good people, generous responses and in a style that is very welcoming :D

My only suggestions would be the following:

- Is it possible that the style of using an emboldened page number to indicate which page I am looking is changed. At the moment there are two indicators side by side. One tells me which page I'm on out a number of possible pages and the other emboldens (very faintly) the actual page I'm on out of a string of page numbers. What I would like to suggest is that just the string of numbers option is kept, with the page viewed indicated by a different colour? It just seems a little over confusing to have both side by side.

- Is it possible to have a search box inserted at the top of 'Equipment Help' and 'Beginners Help and Advice' pages. I'm sure there is a search engine somewhere but I have yet to find it. :) I think this would help people avoid feeling that they are asking the same old questions if they were able to look up some past comments. More importantly, this would help give confidence to new people if they knew their questions were a little more specific (having read earlier answers) and therefore the new responses from the forum experts would be of additional benefit to others viewing. I would add that the forum is very generous in reminding people that they needn't feel daft if they ask questions that might appear basic, but I'm sure there are still some out there who would like to join in if they felt they knew a little bit more. The 'stickies' of course go a long way towards what I'm asking for but it took me some time to know what they were. Maybe change the word 'sticky' to 'Hot Tip' or ask the forum for ideas on a new label?

I hope you don't mind me putting forward some ideas about this forum as I know it's almost perfect as it is! :headbang:

Kind regards


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The Search engine is on the tool bar at the top of the page just below and to the left of the FLO logo...

Glad your all finding it friendly and helpful... I joined in August 2008 so I am still a few months away from my 2nd Birfday...

Peter aka Billy.... depending on how the weathers been for the last few weeks...


Edited by Psychobilly
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Thanks Peter (Billy) for coming back to me so quickly.

I thought I had seen it before some place. I thought the "FAQ" button was to do with the forum itself rather than the content within it. :)

Again thanks for your reply.

James :D

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This site has been my main source of information for quite a while now, got my first scope (8' reflector) in January and this place has been a godsend! I have learned a lot about imaging from here and will post up some of mine after a little more practice. If there is anyone local to Dartford, give me a shout!

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i've only been here a couple of days but so far , awesome , plenty of friendly helpful people, well organised forum with plenty of how-to's and guidance for new members , happy days:hello2:

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