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Hello from cloud Wales!


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Hi there people!

I'm pretty new to things. I've always had an interest in astronomy but finally got my first telescope a year ago - a Celestron NexStar 4SE, a pretty hand little scope that allowed me to just set it up, click a few buttons and off I go exploring the cosmos!

I enjoy attaching my camera to my scope and getting a few snaps, I'll link to some of my pics at the end.

Recently I decided to invest a little more in my hobby and purchased a Skywatcher Explorer 200P-DS with HEQ5 Pro mount, basically I have little to no clue how to use this thing so I thought I'd sign up here so if I did ever have any questions I could ask the people that know a lot more than me.

Hopefully I can figure how to use this new scope as it's not quite as easy as the GOTO system on the Celestron (at least for me anyway).

Here are some of the pics I've taken so far using my NexStar 4SE.



The Moon

Saturn & International Space Station composite

Orion Nebula

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Hi Kal, and a warm welcome. Congrats on new scope, there's many on here with the same, so any probs, just ask. Well done with the pics, it's something I would like to have a go at some time.

Best of luck and clear skies


Sent from my GT-P5110 using Tapatalk 2

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hiya and welcome , youll have no problems with people wanting to help you on here, I live on the borders of wales and got up this morning at 3.30 to have a look at Jupiter , after the last 2 days of mrs getting up at 4.00 and saying theres a bright star in sky and its crystal clear, and not waking me up to see, get up today and its cloudy , never mind

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Welcome to SGL Kal, this is a great place to be for all sorts of information and questions you may have. There's always someone knocking about that knows the answer to your questions!!

Look forward to seeing you around :smiley:

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Thanks for the warm welcome guys n gals!

Hopefully I can polar align my telescope tonight if the skies stay clear, wish me luck..I'm going to need it.

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Hi Kal, welcome from Cork. Say hello to the sky for me. I'm assuming its still there, haven't seen it in about 6 weeks....

Forcast cloudy last night. Clear as a bell. Got home from dropping my little girl to gymnastics, rushed out with the scope, ran back in to grab something quick to eat, ran outside, cloudy........

Good luck, great information here, especially when cloudy.

Did I say its been cloudy recently?


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Hi Kal, welcome from Cork. Say hello to the sky for me. I'm assuming its still there, haven't seen it in about 6 weeks....

Forcast cloudy last night. Clear as a bell. Got home from dropping my little girl to gymnastics, rushed out with the scope, ran back in to grab something quick to eat, ran outside, cloudy........

Good luck, great information here, especially when cloudy.

Did I say its been cloudy recently?


Apparently it's clear tonight  :tongue:

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Hi Kal and welcome to SGL, I applaud your enthusiasm for the subject and your Astrophotography. However, a copy Steve Richards book " Making Every Photon Count " comes highly recommended by the forum members and could well help to develop your techniques in the dark art, enjoy :)

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