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WADAS (Wakefield and District Astronomical Society)

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2 hours ago, Vicky050373 said:

Sounds like you had a good night out viewing. I had a night out imaging with Gain, and we heading off down Lincolnshire way to try to grab the best of the skies. Had a good, fun and productive night - including a pub meal to set us up for a long night ahead. Started packing up at around 3am, and got away before 3.30am - arrived home just after 5am! Feel worse for wear this morning, but it was worth it to have a good night out with clear skies. Seeing was poor, and my Saturn image is a very "meh", but we both got results, with Gain managing images of Jupiter, Saturn and Mars!

Here's my image of M13 the Great Globular Cluster in Hercules. Imaged using Atik 16IC-S monochrome CCD and William Optics FLT-110 mounted on NEQ6 Pro. 30 light frames ranging from 60 seconds to 600 seconds, no darks. Stacked in DeepSkyStacker, using the best 80% of frames. To say I'm pleased with this one is a bit of an understatement :)


M13 30.04.2016.jpg

Vicky, very nice, at Winscar we all had a look at M13 in the big dob, it was absolutely superb to see through Damians scope 

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Image of Saturn taken this morning at around 2.30am whilst out with Gain. Using QHY5L-II colour planetary camera and 8SE on NEQ6 Pro SynScan. 4 x 500 frame AVIs, joined and processed in PIPP to centralise image and then stacked in RegiStax6 to select best 25% of frames. Seeing was dreadful, however it's my first attempt at imaging Saturn, so I'm happy to have an observation for my scrapbook :)

Saturn 01.05.2016.jpg

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4 hours ago, Sam Baker said:

Love the images Mark and Vicky! 

M13 is such a nice target! 

I've never attempted the Leo triplets, but observed them a few times.


Thanks Sam and Soupy.

Fab images Mark. Brilliant stuff. I failed to locate any galaxies on my CCD chip on Saturday night. Getting 5 of them is amazing! :)

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57 minutes ago, gtis said:

Just got in from a fantastic nights viewing at winscar with Damian and Paul 

Just home myself and what a superb session.

Seeing was much better than saturday night with the views of the planets much easier on the eye.

I concentrated my efforts around the southern area of bootes. Twelve new galaxies and some old favourites.

The planetary nebula NGC6210 provided some light relief after squinting at all those faint galaxies . So did a few globs.

Great to be out and great company 

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Noticed when I broke down the scope that the secondary had dewed up slightly.

Would explain the haloing when looking at the planets.

Jupiter's GRS clearly visible and several of Satutns moons. Stunning 

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48 minutes ago, mapstar said:

Just home myself and what a superb session.

Seeing was much better than saturday night with the views of the planets much easier on the eye.

I concentrated my efforts around the southern area of bootes. Twelve new galaxies and some old favourites.

The planetary nebula NGC6210 provided some light relief after squinting at all those faint galaxies . So did a few globs.

Great to be out and great company 

Just in myself. Had my first views of Mars & Saturn this year. Seeing was alright but not brilliant. Was only able to go to X 132. Saturn showed more detail than Mars. Not looking forward to alarm going off at 0600hrs ?

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