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WADAS (Wakefield and District Astronomical Society)

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Nice to see you got it working Neil. Sammy been a while and this thread does zoom a bit! Nice little report Ursula. Was looking through turn left and the white rose is in that. :)

It does move along at a pace - it's that Ursula Major - she doesn't half rattle on lol ;)

I have referred to Turn Left at Orion on so many viewing evenings, but I haven't even began to skim the surface with it yet. Fabulous reference book and one I wouldn't want to be without.

Think you could view the skies for years and still feel as though you have only discovered a fraction of it's wonders.

Some of you will agree with me I'm sure :)

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Ooh, Chris - you and Neil will be scope twins ;)

It does look a nice scope, and seems much more user friendly than the SE range.

I'm itching to get my 8SE OTA out for a test drive on the NEQ6, especially now I have upgraded it to a 2" visual back. Got a decent 32mm 70 degree wide angle EP I'm waiting to test out :)

I think the newer mount is more user friendly than the one that comes with the SE, id just like to get mine out to a dark sky night for the first time and seeing  what i can get out of it. I think i need to have a look at my two eye pieces as I think that is oe area that i could improve one alot. 

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I think the newer mount is more user friendly than the one that comes with the SE, id just like to get mine out to a dark sky night for the first time and seeing  what i can get out of it. I think i need to have a look at my two eye pieces as I think that is oe area that i could improve one alot.

Yep, me too, but I have got other things to pay for and get sorted first.

I'll let you lead the way on test driving the EPs...... ;)

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Yep, me too, but I have got other things to pay for and get sorted first.

I'll let you lead the way on test driving the EPs...... ;)

Maybe I could have all your EPs, you don't need them IDF your just using your camera :)

Sent from my SM-G901F using Tapatalk

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Same scope as me Neil, hope you likie it, I like mine, im just not that keen on the eye piece that comes with it, seems you have to get your eye in the exact position.

Diffucult to describe, Damian saw it at winscar so he knows what I mean

Hi Chris that's the next purchase I think a couple of decent eyepieces


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It's almost eclipse time!


The umbral shadow will cross from 02.08 to 05.27 from these parts! With totally beginning at about 03.11 and lasting for over 70 minutes.

Fingers crossed for clear skies!

Last lunar total until Jan 2018

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It's almost eclipse time!


The umbral shadow will cross from 02.08 to 05.27 from these parts! With totally beginning at about 03.11 and lasting for over 70 minutes.

Fingers crossed for clear skies!

Last lunar total until Jan 2018

More to the point it is the last supermoon eclipse until 2033!

Who's up for a lunar session?

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More to the point it is the last supermoon eclipse until 2033!

Who's up for a lunar session?

Yep, me, I'm up for a lunar session. Hoping to get the new frac sorted for it - if not I'll just be using my DSLR with the camera lens on.

Let's hope the skies are clear for us :)

As advised my my new mentor, I've been busy getting my own little tool kit together. Think Gain will be proud of me as I have managed to pick up a Hex set containing both imperial and metric sizes. I know I don't need a hammer, but it came in the tool set that was on offer lol


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More to the point it is the last supermoon eclipse until 2033!

Who's up for a lunar session?

Yep, me, I'm up for a lunar session. Hoping to get the new frac sorted for it - if not I'll just be using my DSLR with the camera lens on.

Let's hope the skies are clear for us :)

As advised my my new mentor, I've been busy getting my own little tool kit together. Think Gain will be proud of me as I have managed to pick up a Hex set containing both imperial and metric sizes. I know I don't need a hammer, but it came in the tool set that was on offer lol


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@Vicky.. It would be good to try to reach focus with your 100D on the 110 if any clear spells appear before next Sunday night. I will be sorting mine out too before the big event.

Good plan Gain. I'll give you a yell if I'm struggling. Am I attaching the DSLR straight into the back of the 110?

Soupy - get that solar scope out this afternoon if you can - the sun has some major activity going on. I've just been looking at some photos taken today. I'm going to see what I can see through the solar film, but it's the prominences that look amazing, and I won't be able to see those. Let us know! :)

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I wonder what the hammer is for really?

Haha, answers on a postcard......

Still some lovely sun spots to see. Even through the Baader solar film.

Got the DSLR on the case, but don't think I'll get much detail as it is visual quality, not imaging quality film.

Worth a look if anyone has their scope covers :)

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Hope it was the right car park Eric - we try to arrange meet-ups through SGL, so hopefully we all are aware when anyone is planning a trip down there :)

Have you found Soupy's letter about Pluto? Page 25 - Is Jupiter a planet?

Thanks, I will keep my eye on things regarding Winscar also I read Soupys article reference the downgrade of Pluto, it seems the debate may go on for quite a while yet.
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Nice tool kit Ursula did u bye it all together in the box or individually.

Been to see Lee today he came 44 out of 149 in his charity ride from Manchester to Leeds on Sunday big well done to him


Thanks Mark - mostly bought individually from T'Asda with the Hex set from B&Q - I have been bargain hunting LOL ;)

I need to do the second donation for Lee - he's done really well. Might pop over and see him Thursday or Friday afternoon for a chat.

Here's a quick one of the sun using my old faithful 80mm refractor with DSLR.

Single shot - 1/160 exposure at ISO 400. Some lovely sun spots today :)


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